Section 809.11. Rule (Items to be filed and transmitted).  

Latest version.
  • (1) Fee. The appellant shall pay the filing fee with the notice of appeal.
    (2) Transmittal of notice of appeal. The clerk of the circuit court shall transmit to the court of appeals, within 3 days of the filing of the notice of appeal, a copy of the notice of appeal, the filing fee, and a copy of the circuit court record of the case maintained pursuant to s. 59.40 (2) (b) or (c) .
    (3) Filing in court of appeals. The clerk of the court of appeals shall file the appeal upon receipt of the items referred to in sub. (2) .
    (4) Requesting transcripts and filing statement on transcript.
    (a) The appellant shall request a copy of the transcript of the reporter's notes of the proceedings for each of the parties to the appeal and make arrangements to pay for the transcript and copies within 14 days after the filing of the notice of appeal.
    (b) The appellant shall file a statement on transcript with the clerk of the court of appeals, shall file a copy of the statement on transcript with the clerk of the circuit court, and shall serve a copy of the statement on transcript on the other parties to the appeal within 14 days after the filing of the notice of appeal in the circuit court. The statement on transcript shall either designate the portions of the transcript that have been requested by the appellant or contain a statement by the appellant that a transcript is not necessary for prosecution of the appeal. If a transcript that is not yet filed in the circuit court is necessary for prosecution of the appeal, the statement on transcript shall also contain a statement by the court reporter that the appellant has requested copies of the transcript or designated portions thereof for each of the other parties; that the appellant has made arrangements to pay for the original transcript and for all copies for other parties; the date on which the appellant requested the transcript and made arrangements to pay for it; and the date on which the transcript must be served on the parties.
    (5) Additional portions of transcript. Within 14 days after filing of a statement on transcript as required under sub. (4) , any other party may file a designation of additional portions to be included in the transcript and serve a copy of the designation on the appellant. Within 14 days after the filing of such a designation, the appellant shall file the statement required by sub. (4) (b) covering the other party's designation. If the appellant fails or refuses to request the designated portions, the other party, within 14 days of the appellant's failure or refusal, may request the portions or move the circuit court for an order requiring the appellant to request the designated portions.
    (6) Cross-appeals. Subsections (4) and (5) apply to cross- appellants.
    (7) Reporter's obligations.
    (a) Service of transcript copies. The reporter shall serve copies of the transcript on the parties to the appeal, file the transcript with the circuit court, and notify the clerk of the court of appeals and the parties to the appeal that the transcript has been filed and served within 60 days after the date on which the transcript was requested and arrangements were made for payment under sub. (4) . If additional portions of the transcript are requested under sub. (5) , the reporter shall serve copies of the additional portions of the transcript on the parties to the appeal, file the additional portions of the transcript with the circuit court, and notify the clerk of the court of appeals and the parties to the appeal that the additional portions of the transcript have been filed and served within 60 days after the date on which the additional portions were requested and arrangements were made for payment. If supplementation or correction of the record is ordered under s. 809.14 (3) (b) , the reporter shall serve copies of the supplemental or corrected transcript on the parties to the appeal, file the supplemental or corrected transcript with the circuit court, and notify the clerk of the court of appeals and the parties to the appeal that the supplemental or corrected transcript has been filed and served within 20 days after the order for supplementation or correction is entered or within the time limit set by order of the court.
    (b) Return of statement regarding transcript arrangements. The reporter shall sign and send to the appellant, within 5 days after receipt, the statement regarding transcript arrangements and filing required under sub. (4) (b) .
    (c) Extensions. A reporter may obtain an extension for filing the transcript only by motion, showing good cause, that is filed in the court of appeals and served on all parties to the appeal, the clerk of the circuit court and the district court administrator.
    (d) Sanctions. If a reporter fails to timely file a transcript, the court of appeals may declare the reporter ineligible to act as an official court reporter in any court proceeding and may prohibit the reporter from performing any private reporting work until the overdue transcript is filed.
Sup. Ct. Order, 83 Wis. 2d xiii (1978); Sup. Ct. Order, 92 Wis. 2d xiii (1979); Sup. Ct. Order, 104 Wis. 2d xi (1981); Sup. Ct. Order, 146 Wis. 2d xiii (1988); 1995 a. 201 , 224 ; 1997 a. 35 ; Sup. Ct. Order No. 00-02 , 2001 WI 39, 242 Wis. 2d xxvii; Sup. Ct. Order No. 02-01 , 2002 WI 120, 255 Wis. 2d xiii; Sup. Ct. Order No. 15-02 , 2015 WI 102, filed 11-25-15, eff. 7-1-16. Judicial Council Committee's Note, 1978: This section requires the forwarding of the notice of appeal, filing fee and trial court docket entries immediately, the record to be forwarded when the transcript is completed. This will permit early notice to the court of the pendency of the appeal and will permit it to monitor the appeal during the period when the record and transcript are being prepared. Another purpose of this section is to expedite the appellate process by requiring the appellant to order the transcript, if one is necessary, within 10 days of the filing of the notice of appeal. The filing of the statement of the reporter that the transcript has been ordered and arrangements made for payment for it will prevent any delay resulting from counsel not ordering the transcript immediately. Docket entries are required by s. 59.39 (2) and (3). In order to comply with this section, the docket entries will have to be kept. [Re Order effective July 1, 1978] Judicial Council Committee's Note, 1979: Sub. (4) is amended to clarify that the statement on transcript that is initiated by the appellant must include information that arrangements have been made for the preparation and payment of copies of the transcript for the other parties to the appeal. The language clarification rectifies a present ambiguity in chapter 809 in regard to who is responsible for initiating the arrangements for preparation and payment of copies of the transcript as compared with just the original. The appellant must make all arrangements for the original and copies of a transcript and is responsible for payment. Cost of the preparation of the transcript is included in allowable costs under 809.25. [Re Order effective Jan. 1, 1980] Judicial Council Committee's Note, 1981: Sub. (4) is amended to require that the appellant file a copy of the statement on transcript with the clerk of the trial court within 10 days of the filing of the notice of appeal. This filing will notify the trial court clerk as to whether a transcript is necessary for prosecution of the appeal and, if so, the date on which the transcript is due. [Re Order effective Jan. 1, 1982] Judicial Council Note, 2001: The revision places all of the rules concerning transcript preparation and service in one statute, and eliminates the need for former s. 809.16. Subsection (4) combines and recreates former s. 809.11 (4) and the first sentence of former s. 809.16 (1). Subsection (5) recreates the remaining portions of former s. 809.16 (1). The time limits in subs. (4) and (5) are changed from 10 to 14 days. See the comment to s. 808.07 (6) concerning time limits. No other substantive changes in subs. (4) and (5) were intended. Subsection (6) recreates former s. 809.16 (2). Subsection (7) (a) recreates former s. 809.16 (3). Subsection (7) (b) is created to specify a time within which the court reporter must furnish a statement regarding transcript arrangements to the appellant or cross-appellant. Subsection (7) (c) recreates former s. 809.16 (4). Subsection (7) (d) recreates former s. 809.16 (5). [Re Order No. 00-02 effective July 1, 2001] Judicial Council Note, 2002: Subsection (4) (b) is amended for consistency in terminology and to clarify that the court reporters' statement regarding transcript arrangements, sometimes referred to as the court reporters' certification, is required only for a transcript that has not been filed in circuit court when the statement on transcript is filed, consistent with the clerk of the court of appeals' interpretation and enforcement practices. Subsection (5) is amended to create a time limit for the completion of the transcript ordering process. If the appellant does not request the preparation of the additional portions of transcript that have been designated by another party within 14 days of the designation, the other party may either request the preparation of the portions from the reporter or move the circuit court for an order requiring the appellant to request the designated portions. This revision creates a 14-day time period for the other party to take action to obtain the additional portions of the record. Subsection (7) (a) is amended to clarify the time limits for the preparation of additional portions of the transcript requested under s. 809.11 (5), and to require the court reporter to notify the clerk of the court of appeals and the parties to the appeal when a transcript is filed and served. Subsection (7) (b) is amended to correct the cross-reference to the rule in sub. (4) (b) that requires the reporter to file a statement regarding transcript arrangements. Subsection (7) (c) is amended to require a court reporter who files a motion to extend the time within which to prepare a transcript to serve a copy of the motion on the clerk of the circuit court and the district court administrator. Early notice that a reporter has requested additional time to prepare a transcript will enable the clerk and the district court administrator to provide workload relief to the reporter if deemed appropriate. [Re Order No. 02-01 effective January 1, 2003] Failure to submit the docketing fee within the time specified for filing the notice of appeal does not deprive the court of appeals of jurisdiction. The notice of appeal, not the docketing fee, vests the court with jurisdiction. Douglas v. Dewey, 147 Wis. 2d 328 , 433 N.W.2d 243 (1989).