Section 895.14. Tenders of money and property.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Tender may be pleaded. The payment or tender of payment of the whole sum due on any contract for the payment of money, although made after the money has become due and payable, may be pleaded to an action subsequently brought in like manner and with the like effect as if such tender or payment had been made at the time prescribed in the contract.
    (2) Tender after action commenced. A tender may be made after an action is brought on the contract of the whole sum then due, plus legal costs of suit incurred up to the time, at any time before the action is called for trial. The tender may be made to the plaintiff or attorney, and if not accepted the defendant may plead the same by answer or supplemental answer, in like manner as if it had been made before the commencement of the action, bringing into court the money so tendered for costs as well as for debt or damages.
    (3) Proceedings on acceptance of tender. If the tender is accepted the plaintiff or attorney shall, at the request of the defendant, sign a stipulation of discontinuance of the action for that reason and shall deliver it to the defendant; and also a certificate or notice thereof to the officer who has any process against the defendant, if requested. If costs are incurred for any service made by the officer after the tender is accepted and before the officer receives notice of the acceptance, the defendant shall pay the costs to the officer or the tender is invalid.
    (4) Involuntary trespass. A tender may be made in all cases of involuntary trespass before action is commenced. When in the opinion of the court or jury a sufficient amount was tendered to the party injured, agent or attorney for the trespass complained of, judgment shall be entered against the plaintiff for costs if the defendant kept the tender good by paying the money into court at the trial for the use of the plaintiff.
    (5) Payment into court of tender; record of deposits.
    (a) When tender of payment in full is made and pleaded, the defendant shall pay the tender in full into court before the trial of the action is commenced and notify the opposite party in writing, or be deprived of all benefit of the tender. When the sum tendered and paid into court is sufficient, the defendant shall recover the taxable costs of the action, if the tender was prior to the commencement of the action. The defendant shall recover taxable costs from the time of the tender, if the tender was after suit commenced.
    (b) When any party, pursuant to an order or to law, deposits any money or property with the clerk of court, the clerk shall record the deposit in the minute record describing the money or property and stating the date of the deposit, by whom made, under what order or for what purpose and shall deliver a certificate of these facts to the depositor, with the volume and page of the record endorsed on the certificate.
1981 c. 67 ; 1983 a. 192 ss. 274 to 279 ; 1983 a. 302 s. 8 ; Stats. 1983 s. 895.14.