Section 809.105. Appeals in proceedings related to parental consent prior to performance of abortion.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Applicability. This section applies to the appeal of an order under s. 48.375 (7) and supersedes all inconsistent provisions of this chapter.
    (2) Initiating an appeal. Only a minor may initiate an appeal under this section. The minor shall initiate the appeal by filing, or by a member of the clergy filing on the minor's behalf, a notice of appeal with the clerk of the trial court in which the order appealed from was entered and shall specify in the notice of appeal the order appealed from. At the same time, the minor or member of the clergy shall notify the court of appeals of the filing of the appeal by sending a copy of the notice of appeal to the clerk of the court of appeals. The clerk of the trial court shall assist the minor or member of the clergy in sending a copy of the notice of appeal to the clerk of the court of appeals. The minor may use the name “Jane Doe" instead of her name on the notice of appeal and all other papers filed with the court of appeals.
    (3) Perfecting the appeal.
    (a) Fee. No fee for filing an appeal in the court of appeals under this section may be required of a minor or of a member of the clergy who files an appeal under this section on behalf of the minor.
    (b) Forwarding to court of appeals. The clerk of the trial court shall transmit to the court of appeals within 3 calendar days after the filing of the notice of appeal a copy of the notice of appeal and a copy of the trial court case record maintained as provided in s. 59.40 (2) (b) , using the name “Jane Doe" instead of the minor's name, and the record on appeal, assembled as provided in sub. (4) .
    (c) Filing in court of appeals. The clerk of the court of appeals shall file the appeal immediately upon receipt of the items specified in par. (b) .
    (d) Statement on transcript. A minor or member of the clergy may not be required to file a statement on transcript in an appeal under this section.
    (4) Record on appeal. The record in an appeal under this section consists of the following:
    (a) The petition.
    (b) Proof of service of the notice of hearing.
    (c) The findings of fact, conclusions of law and final order of the trial court.
    (d) Any other order made that is relevant to the appeal and the documents upon which that other order is based.
    (e) Exhibits, whether or not received in evidence, including photographs, video recordings, audio recordings, and computer media such as discs or flash drives, except that physical evidence, models, charts, diagrams, and photographs exceeding 8.5 x 11 inches in size shall not be included unless requested by the minor to be included in the record.
    (f) Any other document filed in the trial court that the minor requests to have included in the record.
    (g) The notice of appeal.
    (h) A transcript of the reporter's notes.
    (i) The certificate of the clerk.
    (j) If the trial court appointed a guardian ad litem under s. 48.235 (1) (d) , a letter written to the court of appeals by the guardian ad litem indicating his or her position on whether or not the minor is mature and well-informed enough to make the abortion decision on her own and whether or not the performance or inducement of an abortion is in the minor's best interests.
    (5) Transcript of reporter's notes. At the time that a minor or member of the clergy files a notice of appeal, the minor or member of the clergy shall make arrangements with the reporter for the preparation of a transcript of the reporter's notes of the proceedings under s. 48.375 (7) . The reporter shall file the transcript with the trial court within 2 calendar days after the notice of appeal is filed. The county of the court that held the proceeding under s. 48.375 (7) shall pay the expense of transcript preparation under this subsection.
    (6) Voluntary dismissal. A minor may dismiss an appeal under this section by filing a notice of dismissal in the court of appeals.
    (7) Briefs. Briefs are not required to be filed in appeals under this section.
    (8) Assignment and advancement of cases. The court of appeals shall take cases appealed under this section in an order that ensures that a judgment is made within 4 calendar days after the appeal has been filed in the court of appeals. The time limit under this subsection may be extended with the consent of the minor and her counsel, if any, or the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section, if any.
    (8m) Oral argument. If the court of appeals determines that a case appealed under this section is to be submitted with oral argument, the oral argument shall be held in chambers or, on motion of the minor through her counsel or through the member of the clergy who filed the appeal under this section, if any, or on the court of appeals' own motion, by telephone, unless the minor through her counsel or the member of the clergy demands that the oral argument be held in open court.
    (9) Costs. The court of appeals may not assess costs against a minor or member of the clergy in an appeal under this section.
    (10) Remittitur.
    (a) A judgment by the court of appeals under this section is effective immediately, without transmittal to the trial court, as an order either granting or denying the petition. If the court of appeals reverses a trial court order denying a petition under s. 48.375 (7) , the court of appeals shall immediately so notify the minor by personal service on her counsel or the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section, if any, of a certified copy of the order of the court of appeals granting the minor's petition. If the court of appeals affirms the trial court order, it shall immediately so notify the minor by personal service on her counsel or the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section, if any, of a copy of the order of the court of appeals denying the petition and shall also notify the minor by her counsel or the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section on behalf of the minor, if any, that she may, under sub. (11) , file a petition for review with the supreme court under s. 809.62 . The court of appeals shall pay the expenses of service of notice under this subsection. The clerk of the court of appeals shall transmit to the trial court the judgment and opinion of the court of appeals and the record in the case filed under sub. (4) , within 31 days after the date that the judgment and opinion of the court of appeals are filed. If a petition for review is filed under sub. (11) , the transmittal shall be made within 31 days after the date that the supreme court rules on the petition for review.
    (b) Counsel for the minor, if any, or the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section, if any, shall immediately, upon notification under par. (a) that the court of appeals has granted or denied the petition, notify the minor. If the court of appeals has granted the petition, counsel for the minor, if any, or the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section, if any, shall hand deliver a certified copy of the order of the court of appeals to the person who intends to perform or induce the abortion. If with reasonable diligence the person who intends to perform or induce the abortion cannot be located for delivery, then counsel for the minor, if any, or the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section, if any, shall leave a certified copy of the order with the person's agent at the person's principal place of business. If a clinic or medical facility is specified in the petition as the corporation, partnership or other unincorporated association that employs the person who intends to perform or induce the abortion, then counsel for the minor, if any, or the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section, if any, shall hand deliver a certified copy of the order to an agent of the corporation, partnership or other unincorporated association at its principal place of business. There may be no service by mail or publication. The person or agent who receives the certified copy of the order under this paragraph shall place the copy in the minor's medical record.
    (11) Petition for review in supreme court.
    (a) Only a minor or the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section, if any, may initiate a review of an appeal under this section. The petition for review of an appeal in the supreme court shall contain:
    1. A statement of the issues presented for review and how the issues were decided by the trial court and court of appeals.
    2. A brief statement explaining the reason for appeal to the supreme court.
    3. The judgment and opinion of the court of appeals, and the findings of fact, conclusions of law and final order of the trial court that were furnished to the court of appeals. The court of appeals shall provide a copy of these papers to the minor, if any, the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section, if any, her counsel or her guardian ad litem, if any, immediately upon request.
    4. A copy of any other document submitted to the court of appeals under sub. (4) .
    (b) The supreme court shall decide whether or not to grant the petition for review and shall decide the issue on review within the time specified in par. (c) .
    (c) The supreme court shall, by court rule, provide for expedited appellate review of cases appealed under this subsection because time may be of the essence regarding the performance of the abortion.
    (cm) If the supreme court determines that a case reviewed under this subsection is to be submitted with oral argument, the oral argument shall be held in chambers or, on motion of the minor through her counsel or through the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section, if any, or on the supreme court's own motion, by telephone, unless the minor through her counsel or the member of the clergy demands that the oral argument be held in open court.
    (d) A judgment or decision by the supreme court under this section is effective immediately, without transmittal to the trial court, as an order either granting or denying the petition. If the supreme court reverses a court of appeals order affirming a trial court order denying a petition under s. 48.375 (7) , the supreme court shall immediately so notify the minor by personal service on her counsel, if any, or on the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section, if any, of a certified copy of the order of the supreme court granting the minor's petition. If the supreme court affirms the order of the court of appeals, it shall immediately so notify the minor by her counsel or by the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section, if any. The clerk of the supreme court shall transmit to the trial court the judgment, or decision, and opinion of the supreme court and the complete record in the case within 31 days after the date that the judgment, or decision, and opinion of the supreme court are filed. The supreme court shall pay the expense of service of notice under this subsection.
    (e) Counsel for the minor, if any, or the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section, if any, shall immediately, upon notification under par. (d) that the supreme court has granted or denied the petition, notify the minor. If the supreme court has granted the petition, counsel for the minor, if any, or the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section, if any, shall hand deliver a certified copy of the order of the supreme court to the person who intends to perform or induce the abortion. If with reasonable diligence the person who intends to perform or induce the abortion cannot be located for delivery, then counsel for the minor, if any, or the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section, if any, shall leave a certified copy of the order with the person's agent at the person's principal place of business. If a clinic or medical facility is specified in the petition as the corporation, partnership or other unincorporated association that employs the person who intends to perform or induce the abortion, then counsel for the minor, if any, or the member of the clergy who initiated the appeal under this section, if any, shall hand deliver a certified copy of the order to an agent of the corporation, partnership or other unincorporated association at its principal place of business. There may be no service by mail or publication. The person or agent who receives the certified copy of the order under this paragraph shall place the order in the minor's medical record.
    (12) Confidentiality and anonymity. All proceedings in the court of appeals and the supreme court that are brought under this section shall be conducted in a confidential manner, and the minor may use the name “Jane Doe" instead of her name on all papers filed with either court. The identity of the minor involved and all records and other papers pertaining to an appeal shall be kept confidential, except as provided in s. 48.375 (7) (e) .
    (13) Certain persons barred from proceedings. No parent, or guardian or legal custodian, if one has been appointed, or foster parent, if the minor has been placed in a foster home, and the minor's parent has signed a waiver granting the department of children and families, a county department under s. 46.215 , 46.22 , or 46.23 , or the foster parent the authority to consent to medical services or treatment on behalf of the minor, or adult family member, as defined in s. 48.375 (2) (b) , of any minor who has initiated an appeal under this section may attend or intervene in any proceeding under this section.
1991 a. 263 , 315 ; 1993 a. 213 , 446 ; 1995 a. 27 s. 9126 (19) ; 1995 a. 201 , 224 ; 2007 a. 20 ; 2009 a. 28 ; Sup. Ct. Order No. 15-02 , 2015 WI 102, filed 11-25-15, eff. 7-1-16; s. 35.17 correction in (4) (e).


Sup. Ct. Order No. 15-02 states: The Comments to Wis. Stat. ss. 809.105 (3) and 809.15 are not adopted, but will be published and may be consulted for guidance in interpreting and applying the rule. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Comment, 2015: Effective July 1, 2016, the Wisconsin Supreme Court amended the Rules of Appellate Procedure to permit the clerk of circuit court to transmit the record to the appellate court electronically. The amendment applies to record transmittals due on or after July 1, 2016. [Re: Order No. 15-02 effective July 1, 2016] Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1