Section 703.09. Declaration.  

Latest version.
  • (1)  A condominium declaration shall contain:
    (a) The name and address of the condominium and the name shall include the word “condominium" or be followed by the words “a condominium".
    (b) A description of the land on which the condominium is, or is to be, located, together with a statement of the owner's intent to subject the property to the condominium declaration established under this chapter.
    (c) A general description of each unit, including its perimeters, location and any other data sufficient to identify it with reasonable certainty.
    (d) A general description of the common elements together with a designation of those portions of the common elements that are limited common elements and the unit to which the use of each is restricted. Fixtures designed to serve a single unit, located contiguous to the unit's boundaries, are deemed limited common elements appertaining to that unit exclusively and need not be shown or designated as limited common elements in the condominium instruments.
    (e) The percentage interests appurtenant to each unit.
    (f) The number of votes at meetings of the association of unit owners appurtenant to each unit.
    (g) Statement of the purposes for which the building and each of the units are intended and restricted as to use.
    (h) The name and address of the resident agent under s. 703.23 .
    (i) Provision as to the percentage of votes by the unit owners which shall be determinative of whether to rebuild, repair, restore or sell the property in the event of damage or destruction of all or part of the property.
    (j) Any further details in connection with the property which the person executing the declaration deems desirable to set forth consistent with this chapter, except those provisions which are required to be included in the bylaws.
    (1c)  A condominium declaration shall be signed by the owners of the property and any first mortgagee of the property or the holder of an equivalent security interest in the property in the same manner as required in conveyances of real property.
    (2)  Except as provided in sub. (4) and ss. 703.093 , 703.13 (6) (c) and (d) and (8) (b) , and 703.26 , a condominium declaration may be amended with the written consent of at least two-thirds of the aggregate of the votes established under sub. (1) (f) or a greater percentage if provided in the declaration. An amendment becomes effective when it is recorded in the same manner as the declaration. The document submitting the amendment for recording shall state that the required consents and approvals for the amendment were received. A unit owner's written consent is not effective unless it is approved in writing by the first mortgagee of the unit, or the holder of an equivalent security interest, if any. Approval from the first mortgage lender or equivalent security interest holder, or the person servicing the first mortgage loan or its equivalent on a unit, constitutes approval of the first mortgagee or equivalent security interest holder under this subsection.
    (a) If an amendment to a condominium declaration has the effect of reducing the value of any unit owner's interest in any common element, including any limited common element, and increases the value of the declarant's or any other unit owner's interest in the common element or limited common element, then the declarant or other unit owner shall compensate the unit owner the value of whose interest is reduced in the amount of the reduction in value, either in cash or by other consideration acceptable to the unit owner.
    (b) A unit owner may waive the right to obtain compensation under par. (a) in writing.
    (c) Paragraph (a) does not apply to an expanding condominium under s. 703.26 .
    (4)  A declarant may assign his or her rights and obligations as a declarant under this chapter by recording an amendment to the declaration that includes the assignment and an acceptance of the assignment that is signed by the assignee and acknowledged. A declarant may not assign under this subsection less than all of his or her rights and obligations as a declarant under this chapter.


2003 Wis. Act 283 , which affected this section, contains extensive explanatory notes. Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 An amendment of a condominium declaration that changed a common area to a limited common area but did not change the owners' percentage interests in the common areas did not require unanimous approval of all owners and was valid. Any reduction in value due to the change from common area was recoverable under sub. (3) (a) by the owners whose condominium value decreased due to the change. Newport Condominium Association v. Concord-Wisconsin, 205 Wis. 2d 577 , 556 N.W.2d 775 (Ct. App. 1996), 95-0869 . Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 A condominium complex may prohibit the rental of condominium units through an amendment to the bylaws. Nothing in sub. (1) (g) or in any other section of ch. 703 requires that all restrictions on use must be identified in the declaration. Section 703.10 (3) expressly authorizes the placement of additional use restrictions in condominium bylaws and does not contain limitations on the types of restrictions that can be implemented through bylaw amendments. As long as use restrictions do not conflict with the declaration or with state or federal law, they are valid and enforceable. Apple Valley Gardens Association, Inc. v. MacHutta, 2009 WI 28 , 316 Wis. 2d 85 , 763 N.W.2d 126 , 07-0191 . Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1