Section 66.1301. Urban redevelopment.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Short title. Sections 66.1301 to 66.1329 may be referred to as the “Urban Redevelopment Law".
    (2) Finding and declaration of necessity. It is declared that in the cities of the state substandard and insanitary areas exist which have resulted from inadequate planning, excessive land coverage, lack of proper light, air and open space, defective design and arrangement of buildings, lack of proper sanitary facilities, and the existence of buildings, which, by reason of age, obsolescence, inadequate or outmoded design, or physical deterioration have become economic or social liabilities, or both. These conditions are prevalent in areas where substandard, insanitary, outworn or outmoded industrial, commercial or residential buildings prevail. These conditions impair the economic value of large areas, infecting them with economic blight, and these areas are characterized by depreciated values, impaired investments, and reduced capacity to pay taxes. These conditions are chiefly in areas which are so subdivided into small parcels in divided ownerships and frequently with defective titles, that their assembly for purposes of clearance, replanning, rehabilitation and reconstruction is difficult and costly. The existence of these conditions and the failure to clear, replan, rehabilitate or reconstruct these areas results in a loss of population by the areas and further deterioration, accompanied by added costs to the communities for creation of new public facilities and services elsewhere. It is difficult and uneconomic for individual owners independently to undertake to remedy these conditions. It is desirable to encourage owners of property or holders of claims on property in these areas to join together and with outsiders in corporate groups for the purpose of the clearance, replanning, rehabilitation and reconstruction of these areas by joint action. It is necessary to create, with proper safeguards, inducements and opportunities for the employment of private investment and equity capital in the clearance, replanning, rehabilitation and reconstruction of these areas. These conditions require the employment of capital on an investment rather than a speculative basis, allowing however the widest latitude in the amortization of any indebtedness created. These conditions further require the acquisition at fair prices of adequate areas, the gradual clearance of the areas through demolition of existing obsolete, inadequate, unsafe and insanitary buildings and the redevelopment of the areas under proper supervision with appropriate planning, land use and construction policies. The clearance, replanning, rehabilitation and reconstruction of these areas on a large scale basis are necessary for the public welfare. The clearance, replanning, reconstruction and rehabilitation of these areas are public uses and purposes for which private property may be acquired. Substandard and insanitary areas constitute a menace to the health, safety, morals, welfare and reasonable comfort of the citizens of the state. These conditions require the aid of redevelopment corporations for the purpose of attaining the ends recited in this subsection. The protection and promotion of the health, safety, morals, welfare and reasonable comfort of the citizens of the state are matters of public concern. Sections 66.1301 to 66.1329 are in the public interest.
    (2m) Discrimination. Persons entitled to any right, benefit, facility, or privilege under ss. 66.1301 to 66.1329 may not be denied the right, benefit, facility, or privilege in any manner for any purpose nor be discriminated against because of sex, race, color, creed, sexual orientation, status as a victim of domestic abuse, sexual assault, or stalking, as defined in s. 106.50 (1m) (u) , or national origin.
    (3) Definitions. In ss. 66.1301 to 66.1329 , unless a different intent clearly appears from the context:
    (a) “Area" means a portion of a city which its planning commission finds to be substandard or insanitary, so that the clearance, replanning, rehabilitation or reconstruction of that portion is necessary or advisable to effectuate the public purposes declared in sub. (2) . “Area" includes buildings or improvements not in themselves substandard or insanitary, and real property, whether improved or unimproved, the inclusion of which is considered necessary for the effective clearance, replanning, reconstruction or rehabilitation of the area of which the buildings, improvements or real property form a part and includes vacant land which is in such proximity to other land or structures that the economic value of the other land or structures is impaired.
    (d) “Development" means a specific work, repair or improvement to put into effect a development plan and includes the real property, buildings and improvements owned, constructed, managed or operated by a redevelopment corporation.
    (e) “Development area" means that portion of an area to which a development plan is applicable.
    (f) “Development cost" means the amount determined by the planning commission to be the actual cost of the development or of the part of the development for which the determination is made. “Development cost" includes, among other costs, all of the following:
    1. The reasonable costs of planning the development, including preliminary studies and surveys, neighborhood planning, architectural and engineering services and legal and incorporation expense.
    2. The actual cost, if any, of alleviating hardship to families occupying dwelling accommodations in the development area where hardship results from the execution of the development plan.
    3. The reasonable costs of financing the development, including carrying charges during construction.
    4. Working capital in an amount not exceeding 5 percent of development cost.
    5. The actual cost of the real property included in the development, of demolition of existing structures and of utilities, landscaping and roadways.
    6. The amount of special assessments subsequently paid.
    7. The actual cost of construction, equipment and furnishing of buildings and improvements, including architectural, engineering and builder's fees.
    8. The actual cost of reconstruction, rehabilitation, remodeling or initial repair of existing buildings and improvements.
    9. Reasonable management costs until the development is ready for use.
    10. The actual cost of improving that portion of the development area which is to remain as open space, together with additions to development cost that equal the actual cost of additions to or changes in the development in accordance with the original development plan or after approved changes in or amendments to the development plan.
    (g) “Development plan" means a plan for the redevelopment of all or any part of an area, and includes any amendments that are approved in accordance with the requirements of s. 66.1305 (1) .
    (h) “Local governing body" means a common council, council, commission or other board or body vested by the charter of a city or other law with jurisdiction to adopt or enact ordinances or local laws.
    (n) “Mortgage" means a mortgage, trust indenture, deed of trust, building and loan contract or other instrument creating a lien on real property, and the indebtedness secured by each of them.
    (o) “Neighborhood unit" means a primarily residential district having the facilities necessary for well-rounded family living, such as schools, parks, playgrounds, parking areas and local shopping districts.
    (p) “Planning commission" means the official bureau, board, commission or agency of a city that is authorized to prepare, adopt, amend or modify a master plan for the development of the city.
    (q) “Real property" includes lands, buildings, improvements, land under water, waterfront property, and any easements, franchises and hereditaments, corporeal or incorporeal, and every estate, interest, privilege, easement, franchise and right in or appurtenant to the real property, legal or equitable, including rights-of-way, terms for years and liens, charges, or encumbrances by mortgage, judgment or otherwise.
    (r) “Redevelopment" means the clearance, replanning, reconstruction or rehabilitation of an area or part of an area, and the provision of industrial, commercial, residential or public structures or spaces as may be appropriate, including recreational and other facilities incidental or appurtenant to the structures or spaces.
    (s) “Redevelopment corporation" means a corporation carrying out a redevelopment plan under ss. 66.1301 to 66.1329 .