Section 66.0316. Renew Wisconsin performance review.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Definitions. In this section:
    (a) “Analysis" means a performance analysis of the cost and benefit of a political subdivision providing a governmental service compared to a private person providing the same service.
    (b) “Chief executive officer" has the meaning given in s. 66.1106 (1) (a) .
    (c) “Department" means the department of revenue.
    (d) “Extension" has the meaning given in s. 36.05 (7) .
    (e) “Governmental service" means a service related to any of the following:
    1. Law enforcement.
    2. Fire protection.
    3. Emergency services.
    4. Public health.
    5. Solid waste collection and disposal.
    6. Recycling.
    7. Public transportation.
    8. Public housing.
    9. Animal control.
    10. Libraries.
    11. Recreation and culture.
    12. Human services.
    13. Youth services.
    (f) “Political subdivision" means any city, village, town, or county with a population greater than 2,500.
    (2) Pilot program. The department shall establish a pilot program to study governmental services delivered by and to political subdivisions. The department shall solicit political subdivisions to participate in the program. Based on the department's solicitation, the department shall select 5 political subdivisions to form councils as provided under sub. (3) and shall include in that selection at least one county and at least one city, village, or town.
    (3) Creation of council.
    (a) No later than January 1, 2002, each political subdivision selected under sub. (2) shall create a council consisting of 5 members, as follows:
    1. The chief executive officer of the political subdivision, or his or her designee.
    2. A member who is an employee of the political subdivision.
    3. A member with cost accounting experience who is a resident of the political subdivision and who is not a political subdivision officer or employee.
    4. Two members, not including the member under subd. 3. , who are residents of the political subdivision and who are not political subdivision officers or employees.
    (b) The political subdivision's chief executive officer shall appoint the council members under par. (a) 2. to 4. The chief executive officer shall appoint 2 members to initial terms of 2 years and the remaining 2 members to initial terms of 4 years. The chief executive officer shall appoint the respective successors of the members under par. (a) 2. to 4. to terms of 4 years. All members under par. (a) 2. to 4. shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified.
    (c) The council shall organize annually at its first meeting to elect a chairperson. Four members of the council shall constitute a quorum.
    (4) Duties of council. The council shall conduct an analysis of governmental services provided by the political subdivision with which the council is affiliated. In conducting such an analysis, the council shall do all of the following:
    (a) Establish specific benchmarks for performance, including goals related to intergovernmental cooperation to provide governmental services.
    (b) Conduct research and establish new methods to promote efficiency in the delivery of governmental services.
    (c) Identify and recommend collaborative agreements to be developed with other political subdivisions to deliver governmental services.
    (5) Data collection and analysis.
    (a) A council may conduct an analysis of a governmental service provided by the political subdivision with which the council is affiliated on its own or after receiving any of the following:
    1. A written suggestion regarding delegating a governmental service to a private person.
    2. A written complaint that a governmental service provided by the political subdivision is competing with the same or a similar service provided by a private person.
    3. A written suggestion by a political subdivision employee or political subdivision employee labor organization to review a governmental service delegated to a private person.
    (b) After receiving a suggestion or complaint under par. (a) , the council shall meet to decide whether an analysis of the governmental service indicated in the suggestion or complaint is necessary. The council may hold hearings, conduct inquiries, and gather data to make its decision. If the council decides to analyze a governmental service under this paragraph, the council shall do all of the following:
    1. Determine the costs of providing the governmental service, including the cost of personnel and capital assets used in providing the service.
    2. Determine how often and to what extent the governmental service is provided and the quality of the governmental service provided.
    3. Make a cost-benefit determination based on the findings under subds. 1. and 2.
    4. Determine whether a private person can provide the governmental service at a cost savings to the political subdivision providing the service and at a quality at least equal to the quality of the service provided by the political subdivision.
    5. If the council decides that a governmental service is not suitable for delegating to a private person, determine whether the governmental service should be retained in its present form, modified, or eliminated.
    (c) After completing an analysis under par. (b) , the council shall make a recommendation to the political subdivision providing the governmental service analyzed under par. (b) and publish the council's recommendation. The recommendation shall specify the recommendation's impact on the political subdivision and the political subdivision's employees.
    (6) Training and assistance. The board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System shall direct the extension to assist councils created under this section in performing their duties under subs. (4) and (5) . The board of regents shall ensure that council members are trained in how to do all of the following:
    (a) Conduct an analysis of a governmental service.
    (b) Determine ways to improve the efficiency of delivering a governmental service.
    (c) Establish, quantify, and monitor performance standards.
    (d) Prepare the reports required under sub. (7) (a) and (b) .
    (7) Reports.
    (a) On or before June 30, 2002, each council shall submit a report to the department describing the council's activities.
    (b) On or before June 30, 2003, each council shall submit a final report to the department describing the council's activities and recommendations and the extent to which its recommendations have been adopted by the political subdivision with which the council is affiliated. A report submitted under this paragraph shall provide a detailed explanation of all analyses conducted under subs. (4) and (5) .
    (c) On or before July 31, 2003, the department shall submit a report concerning the activities and recommendations described in the reports submitted under pars. (a) and (b) to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) and to the governor. The department's report shall describe ways to implement such recommendations statewide.