Section 64.09. City manager; qualifications, selection, removal.  

Latest version.
  • (1)  The council first elected after the reorganization of a city under the provisions of ss. 64.01 to 64.15 shall as soon after the reorganization as possible engage for an indefinite term a city manager who shall have charge of the executive side of the city government and who shall be responsible for the efficiency of its administration.
    (2)  The city manager shall be elected purely on merit. In electing the city manager the council shall give due regard to training, experience, executive and administrative ability, and efficiency and general qualifications and fitness for performing the duties of the office, and no person shall be eligible to the office of city manager who is not by training, experience, ability, and efficiency well qualified and generally fit to perform the duties of such office. No weight or consideration shall be given by the council to nationality, political, or religious affiliations, or to any other considerations except merit and direct qualifications for the office.
    (3)  Residence in the city or state shall not be a qualification for the office of city manager.
    (4)  The council may advertise for applicants in such newspapers, magazines, advertising agencies, employment bureaus or other advertising mediums and for such length of time as it shall deem necessary to secure applications from the available persons best qualified to fill such office.
    (5)  Except as provided in s. 19.36 (7) , the applications, records, recommendations and qualifications of all applicants for the office of city manager shall be immediately placed and thereafter kept on file and shall be matters of public record and open to the examination and inspection of the public at all reasonable times.
    (6)  The salary of the city manager shall be fixed by the council.
    (7)  The council shall have the power to remove the city manager at any time that the city manager's conduct of the city administration becomes unsatisfactory and to engage a successor after the manner prescribed in this section, but such city manager shall serve until a successor is elected and qualifies.
    (8)  Before the council shall remove the city manager for any cause other than willful neglect of duty, malfeasance, or misfeasance in office, it shall give such city manager at least 60 days' notice of its contemplated action and in all cases shall present in writing a statement of the specific grounds or reasons for such removal and shall give such city manager an opportunity to be heard in regard thereto. Such statement of reasons shall be immediately placed and thereafter kept on file and shall be matter of public record open to the examination and inspection of the public at all reasonable times, and such hearing shall be a public hearing.
    (9)  The action of the council in removing the city manager shall be final.
    (10)  In case of vacancy in the office of city manager by reason of removal, resignation or other cause the council may elect an acting city manager for a period of not exceeding 6 months to fill the vacancy while considering the selection of a city manager. Provided, if the council is unable within such 6 months' period to secure a qualified city manager specified in this section it may by a majority vote of its members present at any regular meeting extend the employment of such acting city manager or elect another acting city manager for an additional 6 months. The acting city manager shall have all the powers and perform all the functions of city manager. The acting city manager may be removed by the council without cause or regard to sub. (8) and such removal shall be final.