Section 64.07. Powers of council; its organization; quorum; meetings.  

Latest version.
  • (1)  The council shall possess and exercise all legislative and general ordinance powers imposed and conferred by general law or special charter upon the mayor and common council and the various boards and commissions not inconsistent with ss. 64.01 to 64.15 , and in force in such city at the time of its reorganization and such additional powers as are hereinafter imposed and conferred, but such council shall not have the power to enact special executive or administrative orders, it being the intent of ss. 64.01 to 64.15 to separate the legislative and executive powers of city government.
    (2)  At its first meeting the city council shall select by majority vote one of its members to act as president. The president shall be the presiding officer of the council and shall have a vote but shall have no veto power.
    (3)  A majority of the members of the council shall constitute a quorum, and a majority vote of all the members of the council shall be necessary to adopt any ordinance or resolution.
    (4)  The ayes and noes shall be called and recorded on the vote upon every ordinance and resolution.
    (5)  The council shall provide by ordinance for the time of holding regular meetings and special meetings shall be called by the president or by any 2 council members or by the city manager.
    (6)  All meetings of the council or of any committee thereof, whether regular or special, shall be open to the public.