Section 632.42. Trustee and deposit agreements in life insurance.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Trustee and other agreements. An insurer may hold as a part of its general assets the proceeds of any policy subject to this subchapter under a trust or other agreement upon such terms and restrictions as to revocation by the policyholder and control by the beneficiary and with such exemptions from the claims of creditors of the beneficiary as the insurer and the policyholder agree to in writing. An insurer may also receive funds in such amounts and upon such conditions, including the right of the policyholder to withdraw unused portions thereof, as the insurer and the policyholder agree to in writing:
    (a) Advance premiums. As premiums in advance upon policies or annuities subject to this subchapter; or
    (b) New policies. To accumulate for the purchase of future policies or annuities subject to this subchapter.
    (2) Accumulation of funds. Any insurer may, in connection with life insurance or annuity contracts, accept funds remitted to it under an agreement for an accumulation of the funds for the purpose of providing annuities or other benefits, under such reasonable rules as are prescribed by the commissioner.