Section 62.69. First class city utilities.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Application. This section applies to 1st class cities.
    (2) Water systems.
    (a) In this subsection, “commissioner of public works" includes any board of public works, or commissioner of public works, or other officer of the city having control of the city's public works.
    (b) In this subsection, all acts authorized to be done by the commissioner of public works, except enforcement of regulations approved by the common council, shall be approved by the common council before the acts may take effect.
    (c) Water rates shall be collected in the manner and by whom the common council determines, and shall be accounted for and paid to the other officials in the manner and at the times that the council prescribes. Persons collecting water rates shall give a bond to cover all the duties in an amount prescribed by the council. Final accounting shall be made to the comptroller and final disposition of money shall be made to the city treasurer.
    (d) When the city owns its water system, the commissioner of public works may make and enforce bylaws, rules and regulations in relation to the water system, and, before the actual introduction of water, the commissioner shall make bylaws, rules and regulations, fixing uniform water rates to be paid for the use of water furnished by the water system, and fixing the manner of distributing and supplying water for use or consumption, and for withholding or turning off water for cause. The commissioner may alter, modify or repeal the bylaws, rules and regulations.
    (e) Water rates are due as the common council provides. To all water rates remaining unpaid 20 days after the due date, there shall be added a penalty of 5 percent of the amount due, and if the rates remain unpaid for 10 additional days, water may be turned off the premises. If the supply of water is turned off, water may not be turned on to the premises until all delinquent rates and penalties, and a sum not exceeding $2 for turning the water off and on, are paid. The penalty and charge may be made when payment is made to a collector sent to the premises. On or before the date on which rates become due, a written or printed notice or bill shall be mailed or personally delivered to the occupant or, upon written request, to the owner at the location the owner states, of all premises subject to the payment of water rates, stating the amount due, the time when and the place where the rates can be paid and the penalty for neglect of payment.
    (f) All water rates for water furnished to any building or premises, and the cost of repairing meters, service pipes, stops or stop boxes, are a lien on the lot, part of lot or parcel of land on which the building or premises is located. If any water rates or bills for the repairing of meters, service pipes, stops or stop boxes remain unpaid on October 1, the unpaid rates or bills shall be certified to the city comptroller on or before November 1, and shall be placed by the comptroller upon the tax roll and collected in the same manner as other taxes on real estate are collected in the city. The charge for water supplied by the city in all premises where meters are attached and connected shall be at rates fixed by the commissioner of public works and for the quantity indicated by the meter. If the commissioner of public works determines that the quantity indicated by the meter is materially incorrect or if a meter has been off temporarily due to repairs, the commissioner shall estimate the quantity used, and the determination is conclusive. No water rate or rates duly assessed against any property may be remitted or changed except by the common council. Under this paragraph, if an unpaid charge or bill is for utility service furnished and metered by the waterworks directly to a mobile home unit in a licensed mobile home park, the delinquent amount is a lien on the mobile home unit rather than a lien on the parcel of real estate on which the mobile home unit is located. A lien on a mobile home unit may be enforced using the procedures under s. 779.48 (2) .
    (h) The city commissioner of public works may issue a permit to the county in which the city is located, to any national home for disabled soldiers, or to any other applicant to obtain water from the city's water system for use outside of the limits of the city and for that purpose to connect any pipe that is laid outside of the city limits with water pipe in the city. No permit may be issued until the applicant files with the commissioner of public works a bond in the sum and with the surety that the commissioner approves on the condition: that the applicant will obey the rules and regulations prescribed by the commissioner for the use of the water; that the applicant will pay all charges fixed by the commissioner for the use of the water as measured by a meter to be approved by the commissioner, including the proportionate cost of fluoridating the water and, except as to water furnished directly to county or other municipal properties, which may not be less than one-quarter more than those charged to the inhabitants of the city for like use of water; that the applicant will pay to the city a water pipe assessment if the property to be supplied with water has frontage on any thoroughfare forming the city boundary line in which a water main has been or shall be laid, and at the rate prescribed by the commissioner; if the property to be supplied does not front on a city boundary but is distant from a boundary, that a main pipe of the same size, class and standard as terminates at the city boundary shall be extended, and the entire cost shall be paid by the applicant for the extension; that the water main shall be laid according to city specifications and under city inspection; that the water main and appliances shall become the property of the city, without any compensation for the main or appliances, if the property supplied with water by the extension or any part of the property is annexed to or in any manner becomes a part of the city; and that the applicant will pay to the city all damages that it sustains, arising out of the manner in which the connection is made or water supply is used. In granting a permit to a county or to a national home for disabled soldiers, the commissioner of public works may waive the giving of a bond. Every permit shall be issued upon the understanding that the city is not liable for any damage in case of failure to supply water by reason of any condition beyond its control.
    (i) The commissioner of public works shall prescribe and regulate the kind of water meters to be used in the city and the manner of attaching and connecting the water meters, and may make other rules for the use and control of water meters as are necessary to secure reliable and just measurement of the quantity of water used; and may alter and amend the rules as necessary for the purposes named. If the owner or occupant of any premises, where the attaching and connection of a water meter may lawfully be required, neglects or fails to attach and connect a water meter, as is required according to the rules established by the commissioner of public works, for 30 days after the expiration of the time within which the owner or occupant is notified by the commissioner of public works to attach and connect a meter, the commissioner of public works may cause the water supplied by the city to be cut off from the premises, and it shall not be restored except upon the terms and conditions prescribed by the commissioner of public works.
    (j) The commissioner of public works may prescribe and regulate the size of connections made with the distribution mains for supplying automatic sprinkler systems and fix an annual charge for such service.
    (k) The commissioner of public works may make rules and regulations for the proper ventilating and trapping of all drains, soil pipes and fixtures constructed to connect with or be used in connection with the sewerage or water supply of the city. The common council may provide by ordinance for the enforcement of the rules and regulations, including penalties. The commissioner may make rules to regulate the use of vent, soil, drain, sewer or water pipes in all buildings in the city proposed to be connected with the city water supply or sewerage, specifying the dimensions, strength and material. The commissioner may prohibit the introduction into any building of any style of water fixture, tap or connection determined to be dangerous to health or unfit to be used. The commissioner shall require a rigid inspection by a skilled and competent inspector under the direction of the commissioner of all plumbing and draining work and water and sewer connections in any building in the city, and unless the work and connections are done or made according to rules of and approved by the commissioner, no connection of the premises with the city sewerage or water supply may be made.
    (L) The commissioner of public works shall make an annual report to the council of the commissioner's doings under this section, the state of the water fund and the general condition of the water system. The report, after being submitted to the council, shall be filed in the office of the comptroller.
    (3) Utility directors.
    (a) In this subsection, “electric plant" means a plant for the production, transmission, delivery and furnishing of electric light, heat or power directly to the public.
    (b) If the city decides to acquire an electric plant or any other public utility in accordance with the provisions of this section, the mayor, prior to the city taking possession of the property, shall appoint, subject to the confirmation of the council, 7 persons of recognized business experience and standing to act as the board of directors for the utility. Two persons shall be appointed for a term of 2 years, 2 for a term of 4 years, 2 for a term of 6 years, and one for a term of 8 years. Successors shall be appointed for terms of 10 years each. A director may be removed by the mayor with the approval of the council for misconduct in office or for unreasonable absence from meetings of the directors.
    (c) Utility directors may: employ a manager experienced in the management of electric plants or other public utilities, fix his or her compensation and the other terms and conditions of employment and remove him or her at pleasure, subject to the terms and conditions of his or her employment; advise and consult with the manager and other employees as to any matter pertaining to maintenance, operation or extension of the utility; and perform other duties as ordinarily devolve upon a board of directors of a corporation organized under ch. 180 not inconsistent with this section and the laws governing 1st class cities. No money may be raised or authorized to be raised by the board of directors other than from revenues derived from the operation of the utility, except by action of the council.
    (d) The manager appointed by the board of directors may manage and control the utility, subject to the powers conferred upon the board of directors and the council under this subsection and may appoint assistants and all other employees which the manager considers necessary and fix their compensation and other terms and conditions of employment, except that the board of directors may prescribe rules for determining the fitness of persons for positions and employment.
    (e) The council shall fix the compensation, if any, of members of the board of directors and has other powers it possesses with reference to electric plants and other public utilities.