Section 62.16. Street grades; service pipes.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Grade.
    (a) Establishment; damage. The council shall have authority to establish the grade of all streets and alleys in the city, and to change and reestablish the same as it deems expedient. Whenever it changes or alters the permanently established grade of any street any person thereby sustaining damages to that person's property on the affected street may have such damages set off against any special assessment levied against the person's property for any public improvement made in conjunction with such grade change or may maintain an action to recover such damages.
    (b) Record. The grade of all streets shall be established and described, and the adoption of such grades and all alterations thereof shall be recorded by the city clerk. No street shall be worked until the grade thereof is established and recorded in the manner herein set forth.
    (2) Service pipe.
    (a) Expense. Whenever the council, department of transportation, or county board shall declare its intention to improve any street in which water, gas, or heat mains and sewers, or any of them, shall have been previously laid or are to be laid the council shall also by resolution require water, heat, sewer and gas service pipes to be first laid in such street, at the cost of the property fronting therein, except as herein provided, from the sewer, water, heat and gas mains in such street to the curb line on either or both sides thereof, at such intervals as the council shall direct along that part of said street to be improved, except at street and alley crossings. Such work may be done by contract or by the city directly without the intervention of a contractor, under the supervision of the board of public works, or in the case of service pipes of a municipal owned utility under the supervision of the board or officers charged with the management of such utility. The board or officers under whose supervision such service pipes shall be laid shall keep an accurate account of the expenses of putting in the same in front of each lot or parcel of land, whether the work be done by contract or otherwise, and report the same to the comptroller who shall annually prepare a statement of the expenses so incurred in front of each lot or parcel of land, and report the same to the city clerk, and the amount therein charged to each lot or parcel of land shall be by such clerk entered in the tax roll as a special tax against said lot or parcel of land, and the same shall be collected in all respects like other taxes upon real estate.
    (b) Public service corporation. Whenever the council, department of transportation or county board shall declare its intention to improve any street in which water or gas mains of any privately owned public utility shall have been previously laid or are about to be laid the council shall by resolution require, subject to review as provided in s. 196.58 , water and gas service pipes to be first laid in such street, at the cost of such utility, unless the franchise of such utility otherwise provides as to the cost, from the main to the curb line on each side thereof, at such intervals as the council shall direct, along that part of said street so to be improved, except at street or alley crossings, and may, subject to such review, fix a reasonable time within which such work shall be done by the utility. Notice of such requirement shall thereupon be given to such utility by delivering a copy thereof to the superintendent, or agent in charge thereof, requiring such utility to do such work opposite the lots indicated according to plans and specifications, to be theretofore prepared and filed in the office of the city clerk, showing the location and size and the kind and quality of material of such water and gas service pipes; and if such utility shall refuse or neglect to do the same before the expiration of the time fixed for the improvement of said street so ordered the board of public works may procure the same to be done, in which event said board shall keep accurate account of the expense of constructing such gas or water service pipes, as the case may be, and report the same to the city clerk who shall annually enter in the tax roll as special taxes against such utilities, the total of the amounts so certified to the clerk for such charges, and the same shall be collected in all respects like other city taxes against said utilities, and the city shall have a legal and valid claim for the amount of such special taxes against such utilities. No application for such review shall be effective unless the same be made and notice thereof filed in the office of the clerk of the city making such requirement within 30 days after service of the notice of such requirement as above provided; and on such review the public service commission shall make such order as to extension of time for the doing of such work and as to all other conditions affecting such requirement as the commission shall deem reasonable or expedient.
    (c) When laid. No street shall be improved by order of the council, department of transportation or county board unless the water, heat and gas mains and service pipes and necessary sewers and their connections shall, as required under this subsection be first laid and constructed in that portion of such street so to be improved.
    (d) Application to towns and villages. This subsection applies to towns and villages and when applied to towns and villages:
    1. “City" means town or village.
    2. “Comptroller" means clerk.
    3. “Council" means town board or village board.
1977 c. 29 s. 1654 (8) (c) ; 1983 a. 532 ; 1991 a. 316 . Cross-reference: See s. 840.11 , requiring applicant for change in streets to file notice of pendency of the application.