Section 618.415. Group liability insurance issued by an unauthorized insurer.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Notice before taking application. A person may not take an application for liability insurance coverage under a group liability insurance policy which is issued by an unauthorized insurer and which is for a risk that resides or is otherwise located in this state, unless before taking the application the person gives the applicant clear and prominent written notice of all of the following:
    (a) The insurer's deficiencies, if any, under s. 618.41 (8) (a) 1.
    (b) That the insurer has not obtained a certificate of authority in this state and is not regulated in this state.
    (c) That the risk is not protected by the Wisconsin insurance security fund.
    (d) Any other information required by the commissioner by rule.
    (2) Notice in the evidence of insurance. A person may not provide liability insurance coverage under a group insurance policy which is issued by an unauthorized insurer to a member for a risk that resides or is otherwise located in this state, unless the evidence of insurance clearly and prominently includes all of the following:
    (a) The information and notice required under s. 618.41 (9) .
    (b) That the risk is not protected by the Wisconsin insurance security fund.
    (c) Any other information required by the commissioner by rule.