Section 48.93. Records closed.  

Latest version.
  • (1)  In this section, “adoptee" has the meaning given in s. 48.432 (1) (a) .
    (1d)  All records and papers pertaining to an adoption proceeding shall be kept in a separate locked file and may not be disclosed except under sub. (1g) , (1r) , (1v) , or (1w) , s. 48.432 , 48.433 , 48.434 , 48.48 (17) (a) 9. or 48.57 (1) (j) , or by order of the court for good cause shown.
    (1g)  At the time a court enters an order granting an adoption, it shall provide the adoptive parents with a copy of the child's medical record under s. 48.425 (1) (am) or with any information provided to the court under s. 48.422 (9) or 48.425 (2) , after deleting the names and addresses of the child's birth parents and the identity of any provider of health care to the child or the child's birth parents.
    (1r)  Any agency which has placed a child for adoption shall, at the request of an adoptive parent or of the adoptee, after he or she has reached age 18, provide the requester without charge, except for the actual cost of reproduction, with medical or genetic information about the adoptee or about the adoptee's birth parents which it has on file and with nonidentifying social history information about the adoptee's family which it has on file, after deleting the names and addresses of the birth parents and any provider of health care to the adoptee or the adoptee's birth parents. The agency may charge a requester a fee for the cost of verifying, purging, summarizing, copying and mailing the information according to the fee schedule established by the department under s. 48.432 (3) (c) . The fee may not be more than $150 and may be waived by the agency.
    (a) At the time a court enters an order granting adoption of an Indian child, the court shall provide the U.S. secretary of the interior with the information specified in s. 48.028 (9) (a) and (b) .
    (b) At the request of an Indian adoptee who is 18 years of age or older, the court that entered the order granting adoption of the adoptee shall provide or arrange to provide the adoptee with the information specified in s. 48.028 (9) (c) .
    (1w)  At the time a court grants an adoption of a child who was placed for adoption under s. 48.833 , 48.834 , 48.837 , or 48.839 , the court shall advise the adoptive parent that the agency that placed the child for adoption under s. 48.833 or 48.834 , that was appointed the guardian of the child under s. 48.837 (6) (d) , or that negotiated or arranged the placement for adoption under s. 48.839 will provide the names and contact information of the adoptive parent, and name and birth date of the adopted child, to the state-funded postadoption resource center that serves the area within which the parent resides within 90 days after the court grants the adoption unless the adoptive parent elects not to have that information so provided. If the adoptive parent makes that election, the agency may not provide that information. If the adoptive parent does not make that election, the agency shall provide that information within 90 days after the court grants the adoption.
    (2)  All correspondence and papers, relating to the investigation, which are not a part of the court record, except those in the custody of agencies authorized to place children for adoption shall be transferred to the department and placed in its closed files.
1979 c. 34 ; 1981 c. 359 ; 1983 a. 471 ; 1989 a. 31 ; 1997 a. 27 , 104 , 252 ; 2007 a. 20 ; 2009 a. 94 ; 2015 a. 379 . Adoption records reform: Impact on adoptees. 67 MLR 110 (1983).