Section 295.12. Nonmetallic mining reclamation rules.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Rules. The department shall establish all of the following by rule:
    (a) Uniform statewide standards for nonmetallic mining reclamation.
    (b) Provisions for the administration of this subchapter by the department.
    (c) Uniform statewide requirements and procedures for the administration of a nonmetallic mining reclamation program by any county, city, village or town.
    (2) Standards.
    (a) The department shall establish nonmetallic mining reclamation standards under sub. (1) (a) that are applicable to activities related to nonmetallic mining reclamation both during nonmetallic mining and after the termination of nonmetallic mining.
    (d) Nonmetallic mining reclamation standards under sub. (1) (a) shall be designed to encourage the development and reclamation of nonmetallic mining sites in existence on October 14, 1997, and shall include requirements necessary to achieve a land use specified in an approved nonmetallic mining reclamation plan, including requirements related to the removal or reuse of nonmetallic mining refuse, removal of roads no longer in use, stabilization of soil conditions, grading the nonmetallic mining site, replacement of topsoil, establishment of vegetative cover, control of surface water flow and groundwater withdrawal, prevention of environmental pollution and, if practical, protection or restoration of plant, fish and wildlife habitat.
    (3) Program requirements. The rules required by sub. (1) (c) shall include all of the following:
    (c) A requirement for the operator to submit a nonmetallic mining reclamation plan including maps, information about the nonmetallic mining site, a proposed land use for which the nonmetallic mining site will be rehabilitated after the nonmetallic mining is completed, a description of the proposed nonmetallic mining reclamation including methods and procedures to be used and a proposed timetable for completion of various stages of the nonmetallic mining reclamation. The reclamation plan shall be designed to ensure successful nonmetallic mining reclamation consistent with the standards under sub. (1) (a) , to minimize the costs of nonmetallic mining reclamation and, to the extent practicable, to minimize the area disturbed by nonmetallic mining at one time and provide for nonmetallic mining reclamation of portions of the nonmetallic mining site while nonmetallic mining continues on other portions of the nonmetallic mining site.
    (d) A requirement for the operator to obtain a nonmetallic mining reclamation permit in order to engage in nonmetallic mining or in nonmetallic mining reclamation; a requirement for a permit term equal to the period during which nonmetallic mining is conducted; procedures for the issuance, modification, suspension or revocation of the reclamation permit; a requirement for public notice and an opportunity for a public informational hearing before issuance or modification of a reclamation permit for a nonmetallic mine that is not in operation before the date specified under par. (dm) ; notwithstanding ss. 68.001 , 68.03 (8) and (9) , 68.06 and 68.10 (1) (b) , a right for any person who meets the requirements of s. 227.42 (1) to a contested case hearing under s. 68.11 on the issuance, modification or denial of a reclamation permit and for a person holding a reclamation permit to a contested case hearing under s. 68.11 to contest an order issued under s. 295.19 (1) ; a requirement for cooperative issuance of a single reclamation permit if more than one county or municipality has jurisdiction over the nonmetallic mining site; and a requirement that action approving, denying or conditionally approving a reclamation permit be taken within 90 days after receipt of the reclamation plan or, if a public informational hearing is held, within 60 days after the close of the public hearing.
    (de) Except as provided in par. (dm) , a prohibition on issuance of a reclamation permit before approval of the nonmetallic mining reclamation plan under par. (c) by the county, city, village or town operating the program.
    (dm) A requirement that, when an operator submits an application for a reclamation permit for a nonmetallic mine that is operating before a date specified by the department in the rule, the county, city, village or town issue the permit on the condition that the operator submit a nonmetallic mining reclamation plan under par. (c) that complies with the rules under par. (c) by a deadline established by the county, city, village or town. The deadline shall be from 1 to 3 years after the date of application.
    (ds) A requirement that the county, city, village or town issue a reclamation permit on the condition that the operator submit proof of financial responsibility in accordance with par. (c) within a time specified by the rule.
    1. A provision imposing annual fees as determined by the department for the administration of s. 295.18 and imposing annual fees as determined by the county, city, village or town that shall, as closely as possible, equal the cost of all of the following:
    a. The examination and approval of nonmetallic mining reclamation plans.
    b. The inspection of nonmetallic mining reclamation.
    2. A prohibition on basing the fees under subd. 1. on any portion of a nonmetallic mining site that has been reclaimed when the fees are imposed.
    (f) A requirement for an expedited review process if the applicant pays an additional fee as determined by the county, city, village or town under par. (e) or if the applicant requires a permit under this subchapter to perform services under contract with a city, village, town, county or other governmental unit.
    (g) A requirement for the operator to provide a bond, deposit of funds, established escrow account, letter of credit, demonstration of financial responsibility by meeting net worth requirements or other form of financial assurance conditioned on the faithful performance of all of the requirements of rules promulgated under this section. The rules shall authorize a county, city, village or town to reduce the amount of financial assurance that an operator is required to provide based on nonmetallic mining reclamation that the operator performs while the nonmetallic mine continues to operate.
    (h) Provisions to restrict, regulate or require certain activities in connection with nonmetallic mining reclamation in order to ensure compliance with nonmetallic mining reclamation standards, nonmetallic mining reclamation plans, financial assurance requirements and other requirements of the rules promulgated under this section.
    (i) A prohibition on nonmetallic mining if a proposed nonmetallic mining site cannot be reclaimed in compliance with the nonmetallic mining reclamation standards under sub. (1) (a) .
    (k) A provision for orders and penalties consistent with s. 295.19 .
    (L) Criteria and procedures for approving alternatives to the requirements of the nonmetallic mining reclamation standards under sub. (1) (a) .
1995 a. 227 s. 802 ; 1997 a. 27 . Cross-reference: See also ch. NR 135 , Wis. adm. code.