Section 293.83. Mining and reclamation; orders.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) Violations; order or other action required. If the department finds a violation of law or any unapproved deviation from the mining or reclamation plan at a mining site under a mining permit:
    1. The department shall issue an order requiring the operator to comply with the statute, rule or plan within a specified time;
    2. The department shall require the alleged violator to appear before the department for a hearing and answer the charges complained of; or
    3. The department shall request the department of justice to initiate action under s. 293.87 .
    (b) Effective dates of orders. Any order issued under par. (a) 1. following a hearing takes effect immediately. Any other order takes effect 10 days after the date the order is served unless the person named in the order requests in writing a hearing before the department within the 10-day period.
    (c) Hearing on orders. If no hearing on an order issued under par. (a) 1. was held and if the department receives a request for a hearing within 10 days after the date the order is served, the department shall provide due notice and hold a hearing.
    (d) Enforcement of orders. The department shall cancel the mining permit for a mining site held by an operator who fails to comply with an order issued under par. (a) 1. The department shall inform the department of justice of the cancellation within 14 days. After receiving notice of the cancellation, the department of justice shall commence an action under s. 293.87 .
    (2)  If reclamation of a mining site is not proceeding in accordance with the reclamation plan and the operator has not commenced to rectify deficiencies within the time specified in the order, or if the reclamation is not properly completed in conformance with the reclamation plan within one year after completion or abandonment of mining on any segment of the mining site, or if the exploration license or prospecting or mining permit is revoked under s. 293.87 (2) and (3) , excepting acts of God, such as adverse weather affecting grading, planting and growing conditions, the department, with the staff, equipment and material under its control, or by contract with others, shall take such actions as are necessary for the reclamation of mined areas. The operator shall be liable for the cost to the state of reclamation conducted under this section. Any operator who is exempted from filing a bond or depositing cash, certificates of deposits or government securities by s. 293.51 (6) shall not be liable for an amount greater than an amount specified by the department. The specified amount shall be equal to and determined in the same manner as the amount of the bond or other security otherwise required under s. 293.51 (1) , assuming the operator had not been exempt from such filing or depositing.
    (3)  All other prospecting and mining permits held by an operator who refuses to reclaim a mining site in compliance with the reclamation plan after the completion of mining or after the cancellation of a mining permit shall be canceled. The department may not issue any prospecting or mining permits for that site or any other site in this state to an operator who refused to reclaim a mining site in compliance with the reclamation plan.
    (a) The department may issue a stop order to an operator, requiring an immediate cessation of mining, in whole or in part, at any time that the department determines that the continuance of mining constitutes an immediate and substantial threat to public health and safety or the environment.
    (b) If no hearing on the stop order was held, the department shall schedule a hearing on the stop order, to be held within 5 days after issuance of the order and shall incorporate notice of the hearing in the copy of the order served upon the operator. The department also shall give notice to any other persons who previously requested notice of such proceedings.
    (c) Within 72 hours after commencement of any hearing under par. (b) , unless waived by agreement of the parties, the department shall issue a decision affirming, modifying or setting aside the stop order. The department may apply to the circuit court for an order extending the time, for not more than 10 days, within which the stop order shall be affirmed, modified or set aside.
    (d) The department shall set aside the stop order at any time, with adequate notice to the parties, upon a showing by the operator that the conditions upon which the order was based no longer exist.