Section 293.53. Review of permits; periodic reports.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) Eighteen months after the issuance of a prospecting permit, and annually thereafter until prospecting ceases, the department shall review the permit, reclamation plan and bond to ascertain adequacy, compliance with state or federal laws enacted after the issuance of the permit and technological currency. If the department after review determines that the plan should be modified or the bond amount changed, it shall notify the permit holder of the necessary modifications or changes. If the permit holder does not request a hearing within 30 days, the modifications or changes shall be deemed accepted.
    (b) If the permit holder desires to modify the permit, an amended application shall be submitted to the department, which shall process the amendment as if it were an original application if the proposed modification substantially broadens or changes the scope of the original prospecting proposal.
    (c) To the extent that testimony and evidence submitted at the original prospecting permit proceedings or from previous modification hearings is relevant to the issues of modification or granting or denial of the amendment, it may be adopted in the subsequent proceedings, subject to the opportunity for cross-examination and rebuttal, if not unduly repetitious.
    (a) The operator shall furnish the department with a report for each mining site every 12 months after issuance of the permit, within 30 days after completion of all mining at the mining site and within 30 days after completion of the mining plan and of the reclamation plan. The reports shall include, in addition to such other information as the department requires, such information and maps as the department deems necessary to evaluate the extent of mining and the reclamation accomplished during the previous calendar year.
    (b) Annually, the department shall review the mining and reclamation plans and bonds, using the procedure specified under sub. (1) .
    (c) The department shall cancel the mining permit held by any operator who fails and refuses to submit reports required under this subsection.