Section 29.927. Public nuisances.  

Latest version.
  • The following are declared public nuisances:
    (1)  Any unlicensed, untagged or unmarked net of any kind, or other unlicensed, untagged or unmarked device for fishing.
    (1m)  Any licensed, tagged or marked net or other device for fishing set, placed, or found in any waters where it is prohibited to be used, or in a manner prohibited by this chapter.
    (2)  Any unlicensed, untagged or unmarked setline, cable, rope, or line, with more than one fish line attached.
    (2c)  Any licensed, tagged or marked setline set, placed, or found in any waters where it is prohibited to be used, or in a manner prohibited by this chapter.
    (2g)  Any fish line left in the water unattended, whether having one or more hooks attached.
    (2m)  Any long tunnel pound net or similar entrapping net other than the legal fyke net, drop net, submarine trap net and the short tunnel pound net whenever found in outlying waters or on any boat, dock, pier or wharf or in any building or vehicle on or adjacent to outlying waters. Any nets found as described in this subsection shall be sufficient evidence of the use of the nets by the owner.
    (3)  Any device set in public waters to prevent the free passage of fish, or set in any stream which has been stocked by the state unless authorized by the department.
    (4)  Any permanent or temporary structure placed, occupied, or used on the ice of any waters in violation of this chapter.
    (5)  Any trap, snare, spring gun, set gun, net or other device used in violation of this chapter which might entrap, ensnare, or kill game.
    (5m)  Any trap without a metal tag attached as required by law.
    (6)  Any boat, together with its tackle and equipment, used in violation of this chapter.
    (6g)  Any lamp, light, gun, firearm, ammunition, bow, crossbow, bolt, or arrow used in violation of this chapter or s. 167.31 or any rules promulgated under s. 167.31 .
    (6r)  Any boat, floating raft, box, or blind set in open water and used in hunting game birds.
    (7)  Any decoys left in the water unattended.
    (8)  Any dog found running deer or elk at any time, or used in violation of this chapter.
    (9)  Any ferret, rat, weasel, or guinea pig in possession or used while hunting.
    (10)  Any blind used in hunting waterfowl in violation of s. 29.327 .
    (11)  Any motor vehicle, boat, aircraft, remote sensing equipment, navigational device, survey equipment, scuba gear or other equipment or device used in the commission of a crime relating to a submerged cultural resource in violation of s. 44.47 .