Section 220.035. Banking review board.  

Latest version.
  • (1)
    (a) The banking review board shall advise the division and others in respect to improvement in the condition and service of banks and banking business in this state and shall review the acts and decisions of the division with respect to banks, except for such acts and decisions of the division under chs. 138 , 217 and 218 , and shall perform such other review functions in relation to banking as are provided by law. The banking review board may require the division to submit any of the division's actions to it for its approval. The board may make rules of procedure as provided in ch. 227 .
    (b) Any interested person aggrieved by any act, order or determination of the division may apply for review thereof by filing a petition with the secretary of the board within 10 days after the act, order or determination to be reviewed, which petition shall state the nature of the petitioner's interest, facts showing that petitioner is aggrieved and directly affected by the act, order or determination to be reviewed and the ground or grounds upon which petitioner claims that the act, order or determination should be modified or reversed. The issues raised by the petition for review shall be considered by the board upon giving at least 10 days' written notice of the time and place when said matter will be heard to the division and the person applying for review or that person's attorney and upon any other person who participated in the proceedings before the division or that other person's attorney. Notice of hearing may be given by registered mail, return receipt requested, and the return receipt signed by the addressee or the addressee's agent shall be presumptive evidence that such notice was received by the addressee on the day stated on the receipt. Any other interested party shall have the right to appear in any proceeding before the board.
    (c) The board shall base its determination upon the record made by the division and may also receive additional evidence to supplement such record if it finds it necessary. The board shall affirm, modify or reverse the act, order or determination under review. The burden of overcoming the act, order or determination of the division under review shall be on the person seeking the review. Any findings of fact made by the division shall be sustained if supported by substantial evidence in the record made by the division or in such record supplemented by evidence taken by the board. The board shall have the powers granted by s. 885.01 (4) . Any person causing a witness to be subpoenaed shall advance and pay the fees and mileage of such witness which shall be the same as in circuit court. The fees and mileage of witnesses who are called at the instance of the division shall be paid by the state in the same manner that other expenses are audited and paid upon presentation of properly verified vouchers approved by at least one member of the board and charged to the appropriation of the division.
    (d) Each member of the board and all employees of the board shall, with respect to the disclosure of information concerning banks, be subject to the same requirements and penalties as the employees of the division.
    (2)  The banking review board may make rules and regulations to safeguard the interest of depositors and stockholders generally in emergencies.
    (3)  Any final order or determination of the banking review board shall be subject to review in the manner provided in ch. 227 .
    (4)  The board shall have an office in the quarters of the division. The board's secretary shall keep a record of the meetings of the board and of all hearings, decisions, orders and determinations of the board. The board may make reasonable rules not inconsistent with law as to the time of meetings, time of hearings, notice of hearings and manner of conducting same and of deciding the matters presented. The board may direct that hearings and testimony be taken by any member of the board or by an examiner designated by the board.
    (5)  The board may employ assistance necessary in the performance of its work and fix reasonable compensation therefor, subject to any statutes applicable thereto.
    (6)  Any bank whose assets, upon the basis of a fair valuation, are equal to or in excess of its liabilities exclusive of capital stock, preferred stock, capital notes and debentures, shall be deemed to be safe and solvent. The banking review board may prescribe schedules, rules and regulations for arriving at a fair valuation of various classes of assets of banks.
1971 c. 307 ; 1991 a. 316 ; 1995 a. 27 ; 1997 a. 27 . Cross-reference: See also ch. DFI-Bkg 10 , Wis. adm. code. The remedy under sub. (3) is exclusive when contested issues of public interest and constitutionality could have been remedied on administrative review. First National Bank of Wisconsin Rapids v. M & I Peoples Bank of Coloma, 82 Wis. 2d 529 , 263 N.W.2d 196 (1978).