Section 196.635. Unbilled utility service.  

Latest version.
  • All service supplied by a public utility must be billed within 2 years of such service. No customer shall be liable for unbilled service 2 years after the date of the service unless:
    (1)  The utility made a reasonable effort to measure the service, but the customer did not allow the utility access to any device, including but not limited to a meter, necessary to measure service.
    (2)  The customer obtained the service by fraud or deception, including but not limited to theft or tampering with any device, including but not limited to a meter, necessary to measure service.
    (3)  The customer obtained the service by negligent interference by the customer or the customer's agent with equipment necessary to measure service and the interference causes service to go unmeasured.
1977 c. 62 ; 1981 c. 179 , 391 ; 1989 a. 40 . Cross-reference: See also s. PSC 113.0924 , Wis. adm. code.