Section 192.324. Railroad bridges to be safe for employees.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever a complaint is lodged with the office by any person to the effect that a railroad bridge because of its style of construction does not have walks or railings and for that reason is dangerous to the life and limb of railroad employees and the safety of such employees requires the alteration so as to provide for such walks and railings of such bridge, the office shall give notice to the party in interest, other than the complainant, of the filing of the complaint and furnish such party with a copy thereof, and order a hearing thereon, in the manner provided for hearings in s. 195.31 . The office may proceed in a similar manner in the absence of a complaint when, in the opinion of the office, the safety of railroad employees requires the alteration of a railroad bridge. After the hearing, the office shall determine what alteration, if any, of such bridge, shall be made. The expense of such alteration shall be borne by the railroad company.