Section 182.012. Special power to transfer property of nonstock corporation.  

Latest version.
  • (1)  Whenever the board of directors of any domestic corporation organized without capital stock determines that a sale or mortgaging of the whole or any part of its property is desirable, and that by reason of the removal, nonresidence of a great number of its members, or the loss of its records of membership, or other cause, it is impossible to call or hold any regular meeting at which a quorum of the members can be represented in person or by proxy, the board may cause a verified petition to be made in behalf of said corporation and presented to the circuit judge of the county in which said corporation has its location. Such petition shall set forth the date of the organization and the purpose of said corporation, the nature and extent of its property, reasons for the sale or mortgaging of the whole or any part thereof, the facts preventing the calling or holding of a meeting of a quorum of its members and such other matters as may be deemed material. Upon presentation thereof the circuit judge shall by order fix a time and place for a meeting of the members of such corporation and prescribe the time and manner of giving, and contents of a notice of said meeting, and direct the publication thereof as a class 2 notice, under ch. 985 , in a newspaper designated in the order.
    (2)  Two-thirds of the members present at any meeting so called shall have power to sell, convey or mortgage or authorize to be sold, conveyed or mortgaged the whole or any part of the property described in such petition.
    (3)  If such sale or mortgaging be approved or authorized, the officers of said corporation shall cause the petition, the order of the judge, proof by affidavit of the giving of notice of said meeting as required by said order and a certified copy of the minutes of the said meeting to be promptly filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of said county upon payment to said clerk of the fees properly chargeable in a special proceeding. Upon such filing, such property may be conveyed or mortgaged with the same right and authority as if such sale or mortgaging had been authorized by a sufficient affirmative vote of all members of said corporation.