Section 154.11. General provisions.  

Latest version.
  • (1) Suicide. The withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures or feeding tubes from a qualified patient under this subchapter does not, for any purpose, constitute suicide. Execution of a declaration under this subchapter does not, for any purpose, constitute attempted suicide.
    (2) Life insurance. Making a declaration under s. 154.03 may not be used to impair in any manner the procurement of any policy of life insurance, and may not be used to modify the terms of an existing policy of life insurance. No policy of life insurance may be impaired in any manner by the withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures or feeding tubes from an insured qualified patient.
    (3) Health insurance. No person may be required to execute a declaration as a condition prior to being insured for, or receiving, health care services.
    (4) Other rights. This subchapter does not impair or supersede any of the following:
    (a) A person's right to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining procedures or feeding tubes.
    (b) The right of any person who does not have a declaration in effect to receive life-sustaining procedures or feeding tubes.
    (5) Intent. Failure to execute a declaration under this subchapter creates no presumption that the person consents to the use or withholding of life-sustaining procedures or feeding tubes in the event that the person suffers from a terminal condition or is in a persistent vegetative state.
    (5m) Valid declaration. A declaration that is in its original form or is a legible photocopy or electronic facsimile copy is presumed to be valid.
    (6) Construction. Nothing in this subchapter condones, authorizes or permits any affirmative or deliberate act to end life other than to permit the natural process of dying.
    (7) Applicability.
    (a) A declaration under s. 154.03 (2) , 1983 stats., that is executed before April 22, 1986, and that is not subsequently revoked or has not subsequently expired is governed by the provisions of ch. 154 , 1983 stats.
    (b) A declaration under s. 154.03 (2) , 1983 stats., that is executed after April 22, 1986, is void.
    (c) A declaration under s. 154.03 (2) , 1989 stats., that is executed before, on or after December 11, 1991, and that is not subsequently revoked or has not subsequently expired is governed by the provisions of ch. 154 , 1989 stats.
    (d) Nothing in this chapter, except par. (b) , may be construed to render invalid a declaration that was validly executed under this chapter before April 6, 1996.
    (8) Inclusion in medical record. Upon receipt of a declaration, a health care facility, as defined in s. 155.01 (6) , or a health care provider, as defined in s. 155.01 (7) , shall, if the declarant is a patient of the health care facility or health care provider, include the declaration in the medical record of the declarant.
    (9) Declaration from other jurisdiction. A valid document that authorizes the withholding or withdrawal of life-sustaining procedures or of feeding tubes and that is executed in another state or jurisdiction in compliance with the law of that state or jurisdiction is valid and enforceable in this state to the extent that the document is consistent with the laws of this state.