Section 14.16. Holiday proclamations.  

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  • (1) Arbor and Bird Day. The governor, by proclamation, may set apart one day each year to be designated as Arbor and Bird Day, and may request its observance by all schools, colleges and other institutions by the planting of trees, the adornment of school and public grounds and by suitable exercises having for their object the advancement of the study of arboriculture, the promotion of a spirit of protection to birds and trees and the cultivation of an appreciative sentiment concerning them.
    (2) Citizenship Day. The governor may also set aside, by proclamation, the 3rd Sunday in May in each year to be designated as Citizenship Day, and shall request its observance by all circuit court judges, county boards, municipalities, colleges and other institutions, by suitable exercises for all those persons who have recently become enfranchised either by naturalization or by reaching their majority on the necessity of exercising responsible, vigilant and intelligent citizenship to safeguard and maintain our inalienable American liberties, freedom of person, stability, strength, endurance of our democratic institutions, ideals and leadership.
    (3) Labor Day. The governor may also set apart, by proclamation, one day in each year to be observed as Labor Day.
    (4) Armistice Day. The governor shall annually issue a proclamation calling attention to the fact that November 11 is the anniversary of Armistice Day, and requesting the people throughout the state to observe by appropriate exercises the hour at which the armistice following World War I was concluded.
    (5) Mother's Day. The governor may annually proclaim the 2nd Sunday in May as Mother's Day and urge the people and organizations to display the American flag as a public expression of love and reverence for the mothers of our state and as a symbol of a united effort to inspire better homes and closer union between the state, its homes and its sons and daughters.
    (6) Gold Star Mother's Day. The governor may annually proclaim the last Sunday in September as Gold Star Mother's Day and call upon the people and organizations to display the American flag and hold appropriate meetings in their homes, churches and other suitable places as a public expression of love, sorrow and reverence for the gold star mothers of our state.
    (7) American History Month. To emphasize the spirit of America and Americanism and to remind the citizens of this state of the history of our nation and its free institutions, the month of February in each year is designated “American History Month" and the governor is directed to annually issue a suitable proclamation for the observance thereof.
    (8) Wonderful Wisconsin Week. To emphasize this state's great assets which make it such a desirable place to live and work, to give all citizens a greater knowledge and appreciation of this state and to salute every important activity of the state, from agriculture to industry to tourism, from business to labor to recreation and from education to good government to the state's varied products, the 3rd week in September of each year is designated “Wonderful Wisconsin Week". The governor shall issue annually a suitable proclamation for the observance of “Wonderful Wisconsin Week".
    (9) Hire a Veteran Week. To recognize the contribution veterans have made to our society and the special needs of unemployed veterans and to encourage the hiring of unemployed veterans, the week of November that starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday and in which November 11 falls is designated “Hire a Veteran Week." The governor shall issue annually a suitable proclamation for the observance of “Hire a Veteran Week" encouraging all employers to hire veterans.
    (9m) Veteran Recognition Week. To recognize the contribution and sacrifices veterans have made to our society, including those who have given their lives in service, the 7-day period that ends on November 11 is designated “Veteran Recognition Week." The governor shall issue annually a suitable proclamation for the observance of “Veteran Recognition Week" encouraging all citizens to honor veterans during the week, emphasizing educational efforts directed at teaching students concerning the contributions and sacrifices of veterans.
    (10) Prisoners of War Remembrance Day. To recognize the sacrifices of those persons who suffered captivity in foreign countries while in active service with the U.S. armed forces, April 9 of each year is designated “Prisoners of War Remembrance Day." The governor shall issue annually a suitable proclamation for the observance of “Prisoners of War Remembrance Day" and request that some portion of the day be used for solemn contemplation on the plight of members of the U.S. armed forces who have been held prisoners of war.
    (10m) POW-MIA Recognition Day. To recognize the sacrifices of those persons who suffered or suffer captivity in foreign countries while in active service with the U.S. armed forces or who are or were missing in action, the 3rd Friday of September of each year is designated “POW-MIA Recognition Day." The governor shall issue annually a suitable proclamation for the observance of “POW-MIA Recognition Day" and request that some portion of the day be used for solemn contemplation on the plight of members of the U.S. armed forces who are or have been held prisoners of war and members of the U.S. armed forces who are or have been missing in action.
    (11) Purple Heart Day. The governor shall annually proclaim August 7 as Purple Heart Day and urge the people and organizations of the state to display the American flag on that day as a public expression of the recognition of those individuals who have been wounded or killed in action preserving the freedoms that all United States citizens cherish.
    (12) Aldo Leopold Weekend. The governor shall annually proclaim the first full weekend in March as Aldo Leopold Weekend to honor the author of A Sand County Almanac, an internationally respected scientist and conservationist who is widely considered the father of wildlife ecology.
    (12m) African American History and Cultural Heritage Month. The governor shall annually proclaim February as African American History and Cultural Heritage Month as a way to recognize and celebrate the contributions and achievements of African Americans.
    (13) Medal of honor day. The governor shall annually proclaim March 25 as Medal of Honor Day to celebrate and honor those members of the U.S. armed forces who have been awarded the Medal of Honor for their valor in action above and beyond the call of duty and to recognize their bravery, heroism, and sacrifice for the United States.
    (14) Gulf war illnesses recognition day. The governor shall annually proclaim January 17 as Gulf War Illnesses Recognition Day as a public expression in recognition of the members of the U.S. armed forces who develop illnesses from exposure to Gulf War-related risk-substances. The governor shall include in the proclamation a request that part of the day be used for quiet contemplation to honor those brave members of the U.S. armed forces who suffer illnesses as the result of their patriotic service to our nation.
    (15) Korean War Armistice Day. To recognize the Wisconsin armed forces members who courageously served during the Korean War, July 27, the date of the military armistice agreement that ended that war, is designated as the “Korean War Armistice Day." The governor shall issue annually a suitable proclamation for the observance of “Korean War Armistice Day" and request that some portion of the day be used for solemn contemplation on the sacrifices that members of the U.S. armed forces made during that war, including the death of over 700 Wisconsin citizens.
    (16) Vietnam Veterans Day. To recognize the 1,239 Wisconsin armed forces members who are listed on the Vietnam Memorial Wall in Washington, D.C., and to express pride and gratitude to the veterans of that war, March 29 is designated as the “Vietnam Veterans Day." The governor shall issue annually a suitable proclamation for the observance of “Vietnam Veterans Day" and request that some portion of the day be used to recall the Vietnam veterans' accomplishments and to thank those veterans for their service during that war.