
  196 Relating to: revising various provisions of the statutes to eliminate defects, anachronisms, and obsolete provisions (Revision Bill).  

  •   Date of enactment: February 29, 2016
    2015 Assembly Bill 687   Date of publication*: March 1, 2016
    * Section 991.11, Wisconsin Statutes : Effective date of acts. "Every act and every portion of an act enacted by the legislature over the governor's partial veto which does not expressly prescribe the time when it takes effect shall take effect on the day after its date of publication."
    2015 WISCONSIN ACT 196
    An Act relating to: revising various provisions of the statutes to eliminate defects, anachronisms, and obsolete provisions (Revision Bill).
    The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:
    Section 1 . 6.97 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
    6.97 (title) Voting procedure for individuals not providing required proof of identification or residence.
    Note: Conforms title to the subject matter of s. 6.97.
    Section 2 . 11.01 (3) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
    11.01 (3) (intro.) "Clearly identified " , " when used with reference to a communication in support of or in opposition to a candidate, means:
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 3 . 13.488 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
    13.488 (5) Unless the context requires otherwise, the terms in this section, "building " , " "new buildings , " and "existing buildings ", as used in this section, " include all buildings, structures, improvements, facilities, equipment , or other capital items as the building commission determines to be necessary or desirable for the purpose of providing housing for state departments and agencies.
    Note: Conforms sentence structure and punctuation to current style.
    Section 4 . 13.489 (1c) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
    13.489 (1c) (title) Definitions.
    Note: The other subsections in s. 13.489 have titles.
    Section 5 . 14.02 of the statutes is amended to read:
    14.02 Governor may appoint employees. Except as provided in s. 14.26 (5g), the The governor may appoint and fix the compensation of such employees as he or she deems necessary for the execution of the functions of the office of the governor and for the domestic service of the executive residence. The governor may remove any of the appointees appointed under this section at pleasure.
    Note: Section 14.26 is repealed by this act.
    Section 6 . 14.26 of the statutes is repealed.
    Note: Section 14.26 provides the duties of the sesquicentennial commission. By the terms of s. 14.26, the commission ceased to exist on July 1, 1999.
    Section 7 . 16.43 of the statutes is amended to read:
    16.43 Budget compiled. The secretary shall compile and submit to the governor or the governor-elect and to each person elected to serve in the legislature during the next biennium, not later than November 20 of each even-numbered year, a compilation giving all of the data required by s. 16.46 to be included in the state budget report, except the recommendations of the governor and the explanation thereof. The secretary shall not include in the compilation any provision for the development or implementation of an information technology development project for an executive branch agency that is not consistent with the strategic plan of the agency, as approved under s. 16.976. The secretary may distribute the budget compilation in printed or optical disk disc format.
    Section 8 . 16.45 of the statutes is amended to read:
    16.45 Budget message to legislature. In each regular session of the legislature, the governor shall deliver the budget message to the 2 houses in joint session assembled. Unless a later date is requested by the governor and approved by the legislature in the form of a joint resolution, the budget message shall be delivered on or before the last Tuesday in January of the odd-numbered year. With the message the governor shall transmit to the legislature, as provided in ss. 16.46 and 16.47, the biennial state budget report and the executive budget bill or bills together with suggestions for the best methods for raising the needed revenues. The governor may distribute the biennial state budget report in printed or optical disk disc format or post the biennial state budget report on the Internet, except that, if requested by a member of the legislature, the governor shall provide the member with a printed copy of the biennial state budget report.
    Section 9 . 16.61 (2) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
    16.61 (2) (b) (intro.) "Public records" means all books, papers, maps, photographs, films, recordings, optical disks discs , electronically formatted documents , or other documentary materials, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made , or received by any state agency or its officers or employees in connection with the transaction of public business, and documents of any insurer that is liquidated or in the process of liquidation under ch. 645. "Public records" does not include:
    Note: Deletes incorrect comma.
    Section 10 . 16.61 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
    16.61 (3) (b) Upon the request of any state agency, county, town, city, village , or school district, may order upon such terms as the board finds necessary to safeguard the legal, financial , and historical interests of the state in public records, the destruction, reproduction by microfilm or other process, optical disk disc or electronic storage or the temporary or permanent retention or other disposition of public records.
    Section 11 . 16.61 (3) (s) of the statutes is amended to read:
    16.61 (3) (s) Shall recommend to the department procedures for the transfer of public records and records of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority to optical disk disc format, including procedures to ensure the authenticity, accuracy , and reliability of any public records or records of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority so transferred and procedures to ensure that such records are protected from unauthorized destruction. The board shall also recommend to the department qualitative standards for optical disks discs and copies of documents generated from optical disks discs used to store public records and records of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.
    Section 12 . 16.61 (3) (t) of the statutes is amended to read:
    16.61 (3) (t) Shall recommend to the department qualitative standards for optical disks discs and for copies of documents generated from optical disks discs used to store materials filed with local governmental units.
    Section 13 . 16.61 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
    16.61 (5) Transfer of public records to optical disk disc or electronic format. (a) Subject to rules promulgated by the department under s. 16.611, any state agency may transfer to or maintain in optical disk disc or electronic format any public record in its custody and retain the public record in that format only.
    (b) Subject to rules promulgated by the department under s. 16.611, state agencies shall maintain procedures to ensure the authenticity, accuracy, reliability , and accessibility of public records transferred to or maintained in optical disk disc or electronic format under par. (a).
    (c) Subject to rules promulgated by the department under s. 16.611, state agencies that transfer to or maintain in optical disk disc or electronic format public records in their custody shall ensure that the public records stored in that format are protected from unauthorized destruction.
    Section 14 . 16.61 (7) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
    16.61 (7) (title) Standards for reproduction of public records.
    Note: The other subsections in s. 16.61 have titles.
    Section 15 . 16.61 (7) (a) (intro.), 1., 2., 4. and 5. of the statutes are amended to read:
    16.61 (7) (a) (intro.) Any microfilm reproduction of an original record, or a copy generated from an original record stored in optical disk disc or electronic format, is deemed an original public record if all of the following conditions are met:
    1. Any device used to reproduce the record on film or to transfer the record to optical disk disc or electronic format and generate a copy of the record from optical disk disc or electronic format accurately reproduces the content of the original.
    2. The reproduction is on film which that complies with the minimum standards of quality for microfilm reproductions, as established by rule of the board, or the optical disk disc or electronic copy and the copy generated from optical disk disc or electronic format comply with the minimum standards of quality for such copies, as established by rule of the department under s. 16.611.
    4. The record is arranged, identified , and indexed so that any individual document or component of the record can be located with the use of proper equipment.
    5. The state agency records and forms officer or other person designated by the head of the state agency or the custodian of any other record executes a statement of intent and purpose describing the record to be reproduced or transferred to optical disk disc or electronic format, the disposition of the original record, the disposal authorization number assigned by the board for public records of state agencies, the enabling ordinance or resolution for cities, towns, villages , or school districts, or the resolution which that authorizes the reproduction, optical imaging , or electronic formatting for counties when required, and executes a certificate verifying that the record was received or created and microfilmed or transferred to optical disk disc or electronic format in the normal course of business and that the statement of intent and purpose is properly recorded as directed by the board.
    Section 16 . 16.61 (8) (a) and (b) of the statutes are amended to read:
    16.61 (8) (a) Any microfilm reproduction of a public record meeting the requirements of sub. (7) or copy of a public record generated from an original record stored in optical disk disc or electronic format in compliance with this section shall be taken as, stand in lieu of , and have all the effect of the original document and shall be admissible in evidence in all courts and all other tribunals or agencies, administrative or otherwise, in all cases where the original document is admissible.
    (b) Any enlarged copy of a microfilm reproduction of a public record made as provided by this section or any enlarged copy of a public record generated from an original record stored in optical disk disc or electronic format in compliance with this section that is certified by the custodian as provided in s. 889.08 shall have the same force as an actual-size copy.
    Section 17 . 16.61 (9) of the statutes is amended to read:
    16.61 (9) Preservation of reproductions. Provision shall be made for the preservation of any microfilm reproductions of public records and of any public records stored in optical disk disc or electronic format in conveniently accessible files in the agency of origin or its successor or in the state archives.
    Section 18 . 16.61 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
    16.61 (10) Contracts for copying. Contracts for microfilm reproduction, optical imaging or electronic storage of public records to be performed as provided in this section shall be made by the secretary as provided in ss. 16.70 to 16.77 and the cost of making such reproductions or optical disks discs or of electronic storage shall be paid out of the appropriation of the state agency having the reproduction made or the storage performed.
    Section 19 . 16.61 (12) of the statutes is amended to read:
    16.61 (12) Access to reproductions and copies. All persons may examine and use the microfilm reproductions of public records and copies of public records generated from optical disk disc or electronic storage subject to such reasonable rules as may be made by the responsible officer of the state agency having custody of the same.
    Section 20 . 16.611 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
    16.611 (title) State public records; optical disk disc and electronic storage.
    Section 21 . 16.611 (2) (a), (b) and (c) of the statutes are amended to read:
    16.611 (2) (a) The department shall prescribe, by rule, procedures for the transfer of public records and records of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority and of the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority to optical disk disc or electronic format and for the maintenance of such records stored in optical disk disc or electronic format, including procedures to ensure the authenticity, accuracy, reliability , and accessibility of any public records or records of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority or of the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority so transferred and procedures to ensure that such records are protected from unauthorized destruction.
    (b) The department shall prescribe, by rule, procedures governing the operation of its optical disk disc and electronic storage facility under s. 16.62 (1) (bm).
    (c) The department shall prescribe, by rule, qualitative standards for optical disks discs and for copies of documents generated from optical disks discs used to store public records and records of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority and of the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority.
    Section 22 . 16.612 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
    16.612 (title) Local government records; optical disk disc and electronic storage standards.
    Section 23 . 16.612 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
    16.612 (2) (a) The department shall prescribe, by rule, qualitative standards for optical disks discs and for copies of documents generated from optical disks discs used to store materials filed with local governmental units. Prior to submitting any such rule to the legislative council staff under s. 227.15 (1), the department shall refer the rule to the public records board for its recommendations.
    Section 24 . 16.62 (1) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read:
    16.62 (1) (bm) To operate a storage facility for storage of public records and records of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority in optical disk disc or electronic format in accordance with rules, promulgated by the department under s. 16.611, governing operation of the facility.
    Section 25 . 19.32 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
    19.32 (2) "Record" means any material on which written, drawn, printed, spoken, visual, or electromagnetic information or electronically generated or stored data is recorded or preserved, regardless of physical form or characteristics, which that has been created or is being kept by an authority. "Record" includes, but is not limited to, handwritten, typed , or printed pages, maps, charts, photographs, films, recordings, tapes, optical disks discs , and any other medium on which electronically generated or stored data is recorded or preserved. "Record" does not include drafts, notes, preliminary computations , and like materials prepared for the originator's personal use or prepared by the originator in the name of a person for whom the originator is working; materials which that are purely the personal property of the custodian and have no relation to his or her office; materials to which access is limited by copyright, patent , or bequest; and published materials in the possession of an authority other than a public library which that are available for sale, or which that are available for inspection at a public library.
    Section 26 . 19.42 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
    19.42 (2) "Associated " , " when used with reference to an organization, includes any organization in which an individual or a member of his or her immediate family is a director, officer , or trustee, or owns or controls, directly or indirectly, and severally or in the aggregate, at least 10% 10 percent of the outstanding equity or of which an individual or a member of his or her immediate family is an authorized representative or agent.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 27 . 20.144 (1) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
    20.144 (1) (h) Gifts, grants, settlements , and publications. All moneys received from gifts, grants, bequests, forfeitures under s. 426.203, and settlements for the purposes for which made or received and all moneys received by the department as fees or other charges for photocopying, microfilm copying, generation of copies of documents from optical disk disc storage, sales of books , and other services provided in carrying out the functions of the department, for the purposes for which the moneys were received or collected.
    Section 28 . 20.285 (2) (j) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
    20.285 (2) (j) (title) Special counsel; lapses.
    Note: The other paragraphs in s. 20.285 (2) have titles.
    Section 29 . 20.575 (1) (ka) of the statutes is amended to read:
    20.575 (1) (ka) Agency collections. The amounts in the schedule for photocopying and microfilm copying of documents, generation of copies of documents from optical disk disc or electronic storage, publication of books , and other services provided in carrying out the functions of the office. All moneys received by the office as fees or other charges for photocopying, microfilm copying, generation of copies of documents from optical disk disc or electronic storage, sales of books , and other services provided in carrying out the functions of the office shall be credited to this appropriation.
    Section 30 . 20.680 (2) (L) of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55 , is amended to read:
    20.680 (2) (L) Library collections and services. All moneys received by the state law library as fees or other charges for photocopying, microfilm copying, generation of copies of documents from optical disk disc or electronic storage, computer services, sales of books , and other services provided in carrying out the functions of the library under s. 758.01 (2) to provide photocopying and microfilm copying of documents, generation of copies of documents from optical disk disc or electronic storage, publication of books, computer services , and other services.
    Section 31 . 20.765 (3) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
    Note: This provision provided an appropriation for the Revisor of Statutes Bureau, which no longer exists.
    Section 32 . 23.321 (2) (c) 1. and (2m) of the statutes are amended to read:
    23.321 (2) (c) 1. The date on which the department enters into a memorandum of agreement with the U.S. Army Corps army corps of Engineers engineers as specified in sub. (2m).
    (2m) Memorandum of agreement. The department shall negotiate with the U.S. Army Corps army corps of Engineers engineers to enter into a memorandum of agreement that provides that the U.S. Army Corps army corps of Engineers engineers will concur with any wetland confirmation provided by the department under sub. (2) (c).
    Note: Conforms capitalization to current style.
    Section 33 . 24.39 (4) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
    24.39 (4) (d) This subsection applies only to Lake Michigan and Lake Superior, the Mississippi and St. Croix rivers, the Fox River from Green Bay upstream to the point where it meets the Wolf River, and to the segments of all other bodies of water in which the U.S. Army Corps army corps of Engineers engineers provides and maintains commercial navigation channels.
    Note: Conforms capitalization to current style.
    Section 34 . 28.035 (3) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
    Note: No other subsections in s. 28.035 have titles.
    Section 35 . 29.334 (2) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
    Note: No other subsections in s. 29.334 have titles.
    Section 36 . 30.11 (5) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
    30.11 (5) (a) Prior to the execution of any lease by the board of commissioners of public lands concerning rights to submerged lands or rights to fill in submerged lands held in trust for the public under s. 24.39, the department shall determine whether the proposed physical changes in the area as a result of the execution of the lease are consistent with the public interest. Thirty days before making its determination, the department shall notify, in writing, the clerk of the county and clerk of the city, village , or town in which the changes are proposed and the U.S. Army Corps army corps of Engineers engineers of the application for the lease. In making its finding the department shall give consideration to all reports submitted to it. The department shall not approve a lease applied for under s. 24.39 (4) (a) 2. if the department determines that the lease may threaten excessive destruction of wildlife habitat.
    Note: Conforms capitalization to current style.
    Section 37 . 32.05 (3m) of the statutes is renumbered 32.05 (3m) (a) and amended to read:
    32.05 (3m) (a) In this section subsection , "uneconomic remnant" means the property remaining after a partial taking of property, if the property remaining is of such size, shape , or condition as to be of little value or of substantially impaired economic viability.
    (b) If the acquisition of only part of a property would leave its owner with an uneconomic remnant, the condemnor shall offer to acquire the remnant concurrently and may acquire it by purchase or by condemnation if the owner consents.
    Note: Conforms provision to current style by separating a definition from a substantive provision and limiting the application of the definition to only the part of the section in which the defined term appears.
    Section 38 . 32.06 (3m) (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
    32.06 (3m) (title) Uneconomic remnant.
    Note: Adopts the more descriptive title of the identical s. 32.05 (3m). The prior title read: "Definition."
    Section 39 . 32.06 (3m) of the statutes is renumbered 32.06 (3m) (a) and amended to read:
    32.06 (3m) (a) In this section subsection , "uneconomic remnant" means the property remaining after a partial taking of property, if the property remaining is of such size, shape , or condition as to be of little value or of substantially impaired economic viability.
    (b) If acquisition of only part of a property would leave its owner with an uneconomic remnant, the condemnor shall offer to acquire the remnant concurrently and may acquire it by purchase or by condemnation if the owner consents.
    Note: Conforms provision to current style by separating a definition from a substantive provision and limiting the application of the definition to only the part of the section in which the defined term appears.
    Section 40 . 35.001 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
    35.001 (2m) "Printing" includes all public printing by means of graphic reproduction by whatever process and the necessary materials and binding. The term also includes reproduction of a document in optical disk disc format whenever the publishing state agency is authorized to reproduce and determines to reproduce copies of a document in optical disk disc format in lieu of printed format.
    Section 41 . 35.27 of the statutes is amended to read:
    35.27 Limitation of editions of official reports. Within 60 calendar days after receiving final proof copy therefor, the department shall have printed and deliver editions of the reports mentioned in s. 35.26 and of any report required by law to be made to the governor or to the legislature if not otherwise limited. The department shall determine for any report the maximum number of copies and pages, or the length if authorized to be reproduced in optical disk disc format.
    Section 42 . 35.50 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
    35.50 (1) Specifications for state printing except class 1, including type style and size, page size, titles, paper, form, quality, quantity, binding, and method, or optical disk disc manufacturing specifications whenever reproduction in optical disk disc format is authorized, shall be as determined by the department unless specified by statute. Any state agency which that objects to such the department's determination may appeal the decision to the governor.
    Note: Inserts a specific reference.
    Section 43 . 35.55 of the statutes is amended to read:
    35.55 Editing printer's copy. Printer's copy must accompany every requisition. The editors of all state agencies may edit for themselves the matter and form of the contents of the printer's copy presented by them respectively to the department. All printer's copy which that does not conform to accepted trade practices, and, in the opinion of the department is unsatisfactory, shall be returned to its author for revision and correction. An optical disk disc copy may be substituted if the document being published is authorized to be reproduced in optical disk disc format.
    Section 44 . 35.57 of the statutes is amended to read:
    35.57 Advertisement for bids. The department shall publish advertisements that sealed proposals for furnishing printing, during the next ensuing contract period, with all other material which that the department requires, will be received any time prior to a specified day, when all proposals will be publicly opened and read. The advertisements shall be run as class 2 notices, under ch. 985, in the official state paper. Separate advertisements may be used for publications authorized to be published in optical disk disc format.
    Section 45 . 44.015 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
    44.015 (3) Accept collections of private manuscripts, printed materials, tapes, films, optical disks discs , materials stored in electronic format , and artifacts, and it may enforce any reasonable restrictions on accessibility to the public, use , or duplication of said collections which that are agreed upon by the donor and the historical society.
    Section 46 . 44.02 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
    44.02 (8) Bind, except when microfilmed or transferred to optical disks discs or electronic format, the unbound books, documents, manuscripts, pamphlets, and especially newspaper files in its possession.
    Section 47 . 45.03 (8) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
    45.03 (8) (b) The benefits and aid provided under s. 45.20 (3) and s. 45.40 are not assignable and are exempt from garnishment and execution.
    Note: There is no s. 45.20 (3). This cross-reference was inserted by 2005 Wis. Act 22 which repealed and recreated all of ch. 45 and included s. 45.20 (3). 2005 Wis. Act 25 repealed and recreated s. 45.20, as affected by Act 22, and did not include s. 45.20 (3) but did not treat this cross-reference.
    Section 48 . 48.02 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
    48.02 (1) (intro.) "Abuse " , " other than when used in referring to abuse of alcohol beverages or other drugs, means any of the following:
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 49 . 48.02 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
    48.02 (2) "Child " , " when used without further qualification, means a person who is less than 18 years of age, except that for purposes of investigating or prosecuting a person who is alleged to have violated a state or federal criminal law or any civil law or municipal ordinance, "child" does not include a person who has attained 17 years of age.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 50 . 48.02 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
    48.02 (2m) "Court " , " when used without further qualification, means the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 938.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 51 . 48.983 (1) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
    48.983 (1) (b) (intro.) "Case " , " other than when used in the term "case management services " , " means a family or person who meets all of the following criteria:
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 52 . 49.68 (1m) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
    49.68 (1m) (title) Definition.
    Note: The other subsections in s. 49.68 have titles.
    Section 53 . 59.10 (3) (c) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
    59.10 (3) (c) (title) Changes during decade; municipal boundary adjustments.
    Note: All other paragraphs in s. 59.10 (3) have titles.
    Section 54 . 59.40 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
    59.40 (2) (a) File and keep all papers properly deposited with him or her in every action or proceeding unless required to transmit the papers. The papers may be microfilmed or microphotographed, or transferred to optical disks discs or electronic format if authorized under s. 59.52 (14), and the originals may thereafter be destroyed upon compliance with SCR chapter 72.
    Section 55 . 59.43 (1) of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act 48 , is renumbered 59.43 (1c), and 59.43 (1c) (a), as renumbered, is amended to read:
    59.43 (1c) (a) Record or cause to be recorded in suitable books to be kept in his or her office, correctly and legibly all deeds, mortgages, instruments, and writings authorized by law to be recorded in his or her office and left with him or her for that purpose, provided the documents have plainly printed or typewritten on the document the names of the grantors, grantees, witnesses, and notary. The register of deeds shall record or file or cause to be recorded or filed all plats and certified survey maps that are authorized to be accepted for recording or filing in his or her office. Any county, by a resolution adopted by the board, may combine the separate books or volumes for deeds, mortgages, miscellaneous instruments, attachments, lis pendens, sales and notices, certificates of organization of corporations, plats, or other recorded or filed instruments or classes of documents as long as separate indexes may be produced. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the statutes, any county adopting a system of microfilming or like process or a system of recording documents by optical imaging or electronic formatting under ch. 228 may substitute the headings, reel, disk disc , or electronic file name and microfilm image (frame) for volume and page where recorded and different classes of instruments may be recorded, reproduced, or copied on or transferred to the same reel, disk disc , or electronic file or part of a reel or disk disc . All recordings made prior to June 28, 1961, which that would have been valid under this paragraph, had this paragraph then been in effect, are validated by this paragraph. In this subsection, "book", if automated recording or indexing equipment is used, includes the meaning given under sub. (12) (d).
    Note: The revision of s. 59.43 (12) (d) by this bill makes the last sentence of this paragraph unnecessary.
    Section 56 . 59.43 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
    59.43 (2) (d) For performing functions under s. 409.523, the register shall charge the fees provided in s. 409.525, retain the portion of the fees prescribed under s. 409.525, and submit the portion of the fees not retained to the state. A financing statement and an assignment or notice of assignment of the security interest, offered for filing at the same time, shall be considered as only one document for the purpose of this paragraph. Whenever there is offered for filing any document that is not on a standard form prescribed by ch. 409 or by the department of financial institutions or that varies more than 0.125 inch from the approved size as prescribed by sub. (1) (1c) , the appropriate fee provided in s. 409.525 or an additional filing fee of one-half the regular fee, whichever is applicable, shall be charged by the register.
    Note: Amends cross-reference consistent with the renumbering of s. 59.43 (1) by this bill.
    Section 57 . 59.43 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
    59.43 (4) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), upon the request of the register of deeds, any county, by board resolution, may authorize the register of deeds to photograph, microfilm , or record on optical disks discs or in electronic format records of deeds, mortgages , or other instruments relating to real property or may authorize the register of deeds to record on optical disks discs or in electronic format instruments relating to security interests in accordance with the requirements of s. 16.61 (7) or 59.52 (14) and to store the original records within the county at a place designated by the board. The storage place for the original records shall be reasonably safe and shall provide for the preservation of the records authorized to be stored under this paragraph. The register of deeds shall keep a photograph, microfilm , or optical disk disc or electronic copy of such records in conveniently accessible files in his or her office and shall provide for examination of such reproduction or examination of a copy generated from an optical disk disc or electronic file in enlarged, easily readable form upon request. Compliance with this paragraph satisfies the requirement of sub. (1) (1c) (a) that the register of deeds shall keep such records in his or her office. The register of deeds may make certified copies reproduced from an authorized photograph, from a copy generated from optical disk disc or electronic storage , or from the original records.
    Note: Amends cross-reference consistent with the renumbering of s. 59.43 (1) by this bill.
    Section 58 . 59.43 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
    59.43 (4) (b) The register of deeds may microfilm or record on optical disks discs or in electronic format notices of lis pendens that are at least one year old, in accordance with the requirements of s. 16.61 (7) or 59.52 (14) (b) to (d). The register of deeds shall keep a microfilm or optical disk disc or electronic copy of notices of lis pendens in conveniently accessible files in his or her office and shall provide for examination of such reproduction or examination of a copy generated from optical disk disc or electronic storage in enlarged, easily readable form upon request. Compliance with this paragraph satisfies the requirement of sub. (1) (1c) (a) that the register of deeds shall keep such records in his or her office. The register of deeds may make certified copies reproduced from a copy generated from microfilm or from optical disk disc or electronic storage. The register of deeds may destroy or move to off-site storage any notice of lis pendens that has been microfilmed or recorded on optical disk disc or in electronic format under this paragraph.
    Note: Amends cross-reference consistent with the renumbering of s. 59.43 (1) by this bill.
    Section 59 . 59.43 (12) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
    59.43 (12) (c) Notwithstanding this subsection, sub. (1) (1c), and ss. 16.61 (3) (e), 19.21 (1) and (5) , and 59.52 (4), the board may authorize the transfer of the custody of all records maintained by the register of deeds under s. 342.20 (4), 1979 stats., to the department of transportation.
    Note: Amends cross-reference consistent with the renumbering of s. 59.43 (1) by this bill.
    Section 60 . 59.43 (12) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
    59.43 (12) (d) In a county where the board has established a system of recording and indexing by means of electronic data processing, machine printed forms , or optical disk disc storage, the process of typing, keypunching, other automated machines , or optical imaging may be used to replace any handwritten entry or endorsement as described in this subsection or in sub. (1) (1c) . The various documents and indexes may also be combined into a general document file with one numbering sequence and one index at any time.
    (1b) Definition. In this subsection and in sub. (1) section , "book " , " if automated equipment is used, may include forms, tab or computer printed sheets as well as cards and other supply forms which although processed separately may be bound after preparation.
    Note: The provision is subdivided to separate a definition from a substantive provision and to move that definition to the beginning of the section consistent with current style. Amends cross-reference consistent with the renumbering of s. 59.43 (1) by this bill.
    Section 61 . 59.52 (14) (title), (a), (b) 1. to 4. and (d) of the statutes are amended to read:
    59.52 (14) (title) Optical disk disc and electronic storage. (a) Upon request of any office, department, commission, board , or agency of the county, the board may authorize any county record that is in the custody of the office, department, commission, board , or agency to be transferred to, or maintained in, optical disk disc or electronic storage in accordance with rules of the department of administration under s. 16.612. The board may thereafter authorize destruction of the original record, if appropriate, in accordance with sub. (4) and ss. 16.61 (3) (e) and 19.21 (5) unless preservation is required by law.
    (b) 1. The devices used to transform the record to optical disk disc or electronic format and to generate a copy of the record from optical disk disc or electronic format are ones which that accurately reproduce the content of the original.
    2. The optical disk disc or electronic copy and the copy generated from optical disk disc or electronic format comply with the minimum standards of quality for such copies, as established by the rule of the department of administration under s. 16.612.
    3. The record is arranged, identified , and indexed so that any individual document or component of the record can be located with the use of proper equipment.
    4. The legal custodian of the record executes a statement of intent and purpose describing the record to be transferred to optical disk disc or electronic format and the disposition of the original record, and executes a certificate verifying that the record was received or created and transferred to optical disk disc or electronic format in the normal course of business and that the statement of intent and purpose is properly recorded in his or her office.
    (d) A copy of a record generated from an original record stored on an optical disk disc or in electronic format which that conforms with the standards prescribed under par. (b) shall be taken as and , stand in lieu of , and have all of the effect of the original record and shall be admissible in evidence in all courts and all other tribunals or agencies, administrative or otherwise, in all cases where the original document is admissible. A transcript, exemplification , or certified copy of such a record so generated, for the purposes specified in this paragraph, is deemed to be a transcript, exemplification , or certified copy of the original. An enlarged copy of any record so generated, made in accordance with the standards prescribed under par. (b) and certified by the custodian as provided in s. 889.18 (2), has the same effect as an actual-size copy.
    Section 62 . 66.0216 of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55 , is repealed.
    Note: By the terms of s. 66.0216 (10), the section does not apply after June 30, 2010.
    Section 63 . 66.0231 of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55 , is amended to read:
    66.0231 Notice of certain litigation affecting municipal status or boundaries. If a proceeding under ss. 61.187, 61.189, 61.74, 62.075, 66.0201 to 66.0213, 66.0215, 66.0216, 66.02162, 66.0217, 66.0221, 66.0223, 66.0227, 66.0301 (6), or 66.0307 or other sections relating to an incorporation, annexation, consolidation, dissolution or detachment of territory of a city or village is contested by instigation of legal proceedings, the clerk of the city or village involved in the proceedings shall file with the secretary of administration 4 copies of a notice of the commencement of the action. The clerk shall file with the secretary of administration 4 copies of any judgments rendered or appeals taken in such cases. The notices or copies of judgments that are required under this section may also be filed by an officer or attorney of any party of interest. If any judgment has the effect of changing the municipal boundaries, the city or village clerk shall also file with the county clerk or board of election commissioners the report required by s. 5.15 (4) (bg). The secretary of administration shall forward to the department of transportation 2 copies and to the department of revenue and the department of administration one copy each of any notice of action or judgment filed with the secretary of administration under this section.
    Note: Section 66.0216 is repealed by this bill.
    Section 64 . 66.1201 (9) (v) of the statutes is amended to read:
    66.1201 (9) (v) To establish a procedure for preserving records of the authority by the use of microfilm, another reproductive device, optical imaging , or electronic formatting if authorized under s. 19.21 (4) (c). The procedure shall assure that copies of records that are open to public inspection continue to be available to members of the public requesting them. A photographic reproduction of a record or copy of a record generated from optical disk disc or electronic storage is deemed the same as an original record for all purposes if it meets the applicable standards established in ss. 16.61 and 16.612.
    Section 65 . 66.1333 (2m) (c) and (d) (intro.) of the statutes are amended to read:
    66.1333 (2m) (c) "Blight elimination, slum clearance and urban renewal program " , " " blight elimination and urban renewal program " , " "redevelopment, slum clearance or urban renewal program " , " " redevelopment or urban renewal program " , " and "redevelopment program " , " mean undertakings and activities for the elimination and for the prevention of the development or spread of blighted areas.
    (d) (intro.) "Blight elimination, slum clearance and urban renewal project " , " "redevelopment and urban renewal project " , " "redevelopment or urban renewal project " , " "redevelopment project " , " "urban renewal project , " and "project" mean undertakings and activities in a project area for the elimination and for the prevention of the development or spread of slums and blight, and may involve clearance and redevelopment in a project area, or rehabilitation or conservation in a project area, or any combination or part of the undertakings and activities in accordance with a "redevelopment plan " , " "urban renewal plan " , " "redevelopment or urban renewal plan " , " "project area plan , " or "redevelopment and urban renewal plan " , " either one of which means the redevelopment plan of the project area prepared and approved as provided in sub. (6). These undertakings and activities include all of the following:
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 66 . 66.1333 (5) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:
    66.1333 (5) (a) 5. Establish a procedure for preservation of the records of the authority by the use of microfilm, another reproductive device, optical imaging , or electronic formatting, if authorized under s. 19.21 (4) (c). The procedure shall assure that copies of the records that are open to public inspection continue to be available to members of the public requesting them. A photographic reproduction of a record or copy of a record generated from optical disk disc or electronic storage is deemed the same as an original record for all purposes if it meets the applicable standards established in ss. 16.61 and 16.612.
    Section 67 . 68.04 of the statutes is amended to read:
    68.04 Municipalities included. " Municipality", as used in In this chapter, "municipality" includes any county, city, village, town, technical college district, special purpose district , or board or commission thereof, and any public or quasi-public corporation or board or commission created pursuant to statute, ordinance , or resolution, but does not include the state, a state agency, a corporation chartered by the state , or a school district as defined in s. 115.01 (3).
    Note: Conforms sentence structure to current style for definitions.
    Section 68 . 70.03 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
    70.03 (1) "Real In chs. 70 to 76, 78, and 79, "real property " , " "real estate," and "land" , when used in chs. 70 to 76, 78, and 79, include not only the land itself but all buildings and improvements thereon, and all fixtures and rights and privileges appertaining thereto, except as provided in sub. (2) and except that for the purpose of time-share property, as defined in s. 707.02 (32), real property does not include recurrent exclusive use and occupancy on a periodic basis or other rights, including, but not limited to, membership rights, vacation services , and club memberships.
    Note: Conforms sentence structure and punctuation to current style.
    Section 69 . 70.04 (intro.) and (2) of the statutes are amended to read:
    70.04 Definition of personal property. (intro.) The term "personal property", as used in In chs. 70 to 79, shall include all "personal property" includes all of the following:
    (1g) All goods, wares, merchandise, chattels, and effects, of any nature or description, having any real or marketable value, and not included in the term "real property " , " as defined in s. 70.03.
    (2) The term "personal property", as used in chs. 70 to 79, shall also include irrigation Irrigation implements used by a farmer, including pumps, power units to drive the pumps, transmission units, sprinkler devices , and sectional piping.
    Note: With the next 2 sections of this bill, restructures section consistent with current style for definitions.
    Section 70 . 70.04 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 70.04 (1r) and amended to read:
    70.04 (1r) Personal property also includes toll Toll bridges; private railroads and bridges; saw logs, timber , and lumber, either upon land or afloat; steamboats, ships , and other vessels, whether at home or abroad; ferry boats, including the franchise for running the same; ice cut and stored for use, sale , or shipment; beginning May 1, 1974, manufacturing machinery and equipment as defined in s. 70.11 (27), and entire property of companies defined in s. 76.28 (1), located entirely within one taxation district.
    Note: See the previous section of this bill.
    Section 71 . 70.04 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
    70.04 (3) "Personal property", as used in chs. 70 to 79, includes an An off-premises advertising sign. In this subsection, "off-premises advertising sign" means a sign that does not advertise the business or activity that occurs at the site where the sign is located.
    Note: See the previous 2 sections of this bill.
    Section 72 . 71.04 (8) (a) and (b) 1. of the statutes are amended to read:
    71.04 (8) (a) 1. "Financial In this section, "financial organization" , as used in this section, means any bank, trust company, savings bank, industrial bank, land bank, safe deposit company, private banker, savings and loan association, credit union, cooperative bank, small loan company, sales finance company, investment company, brokerage house, underwriter , or any type of insurance company.
    2. As used in In this section, "financial organization" includes any subsidiary of an entity described in subd. 1., if a significant purpose for the subsidiary is to hold investments or if the subsidiary primarily functions to hold investments.
    (b) 1. For In this section, for taxable years beginning before January 1, 2006, "public utility" , as used in this section, means any business entity described under subd. 2. and any business entity which owns or operates any plant, equipment, property, franchise, or license for the transmission of communications or the production, transmission, sale, delivery, or furnishing of electricity, water , or steam, the rates of charges for goods or services of which have been established or approved by a federal, state , or local government or governmental agency.
    Note: Restructures provisions consistent with current style for definitions.
    Section 73 . 71.26 (1) (g) (title) and (h) (title) of the statutes are created to read:
    71.26 (1) (g) (title) Landowner incentive program.
    (h) (title) Small business job creation.
    Note: The other paragraphs in s. 71.26 (1) have titles.
    Section 74 . 77.91 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
    77.91 (5) Recording. Each register of deeds who receives notice of an order under this subchapter shall record the action as provided under s. 59.43 (1) (1c) . The department shall pay the register of deeds the fee specified under s. 59.43 (2) (ag) 1. from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (1) (cr). If the amount in the appropriation under s. 20.370 (1) (cr) in any fiscal year is insufficient to pay the full amount required under this subsection in that fiscal year, the department shall pay the balance from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (1) (mv).
    Note: Amends cross-reference consistent with the renumbering of s. 59.43 (1) by this bill.
    Section 75 . 79.10 (1m) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
    79.10 (1m) (title) Notice to the department.
    Note: The other subsections in s. 79.10 have titles.
    Section 76 . 89.02 (1g) of the statutes, as affected by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55 , is amended to read:
    89.02 (1g) "Administer " , " when used in reference to administering a drug to an animal, means directly applying the drug, whether by injection, ingestion , or any other means, to the body of the animal.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 77 . 93.73 (8) of the statutes is amended to read:
    93.73 (8) Acceptance and recording of easement. A cooperating entity that purchases an agricultural conservation easement under sub. (7) shall submit the agricultural conservation easement to the department for its acceptance. Upon acceptance by the department, the cooperating entity shall promptly record the agricultural conservation easement and acceptance with the register of deeds of the county in which the land subject to the agricultural conservation easement is located and shall provide to the department a copy of the recorded instrument conveying the agricultural conservation easement, certified by the register of deeds under s. 59.43 (1) (1c) (i).
    Note: Amends cross-reference consistent with the renumbering of s. 59.43 (1) by this bill.
    Section 78 . 98.02 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
    98.02 (2) The term "barrel", "Barrel," when used in connection with fermented malt beverages, means a unit of 31 gallons. The term "ton" "Ton" means a unit of 2,000 pounds avoirdupois weight. The term "cord", "Cord," when used in connection with wood intended for fuel purposes, means the amount of wood that is contained in a space of 128 cubic feet when the wood is ranked and well stowed.
    Note: Deletes superfluous language and conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 79 . 108.15 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 108.15 (1r) and amended to read:
    108.15 (1r) Benefit payments. Benefits shall be payable from the fund to any public employee, if unemployed and otherwise eligible, based on " employment " by any government unit which that is an " employer " covered by this chapter.
    Note: Renumbers provision to accommodate the renumbering of s. 108.15 (7) (a) by this bill. Removes unnecessary quotation marks.
    Section 80 . 108.15 (7) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 108.15 (1g) and amended to read:
    108.15 (1g) Definition. " State", as used in In this section, "state" includes all state constitutional offices, all branches of state government, all agencies, departments, boards, commissions, councils, committees, and all other parts or subdivisions of state government however organized or designated.
    Note: Restructures sentence consistent with current style for definitions. Renumbers definition to beginning of section consistent with current style.
    Section 81 . 114.65 (1), (2) (a) 1., 2. and 5. and (3) (a) of the statutes are amended to read:
    114.65 (1) (a) Subject to rules promulgated by the department of administration under s. 16.611, the authority may transfer to or maintain in optical disk disc or electronic format any record in its custody and retain the record in that format only.
    (b) Subject to rules promulgated by the department of administration under s. 16.611, the authority shall maintain procedures to ensure the authenticity, accuracy, reliability, and accessibility of records transferred to or maintained in optical disk disc or electronic format under par. (a).
    (c) Subject to rules promulgated by the department of administration under s. 16.611, if the authority transfers to or maintains in optical disk disc or electronic format any records in its custody, the authority shall ensure that the records stored in that format are protected from unauthorized destruction.
    (2) (a) 1. Any device used to reproduce the record on film or to transfer the record to optical disk disc or electronic format and generate a copy of the record from optical disk disc or electronic format accurately reproduces the content of the original.
    2. The reproduction is on film which complies with the minimum standards of quality for microfilm reproductions, as established by rule of the public records board, or the copy generated from optical disk disc or electronic format comply with the minimum standards of quality for such copies, as established by rule of the department of administration under s. 16.611.
    5. The custodian of the record designated by the authority executes a statement of intent and purpose describing the record to be reproduced or transferred to optical disk disc or electronic format and the disposition of the original record, and executes a certificate verifying that the record was received or created and microfilmed or transferred to optical disk disc or electronic format in the normal course of business and files the statement in the offices of the authority.
    (3) (a) Any microfilm reproduction of a record of the authority meeting the requirements of sub. (2) or copy of a record of the authority generated from an original record stored in optical disk disc or electronic format in compliance with this section shall be taken as, stand in lieu of, and have all the effect of the original document and shall be admissible in evidence in all courts and all other tribunals or agencies, administrative or otherwise, in all cases where the original document is admissible.
    Section 82 . 118.125 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
    118.125 (3) Maintenance of records. Each school board shall adopt rules in writing specifying the content of pupil records and the time during which pupil records shall be maintained. No behavioral records may be maintained for more than one year after the pupil ceases to be enrolled in the school, unless the pupil specifies in writing that his or her behavioral records may be maintained for a longer period. A pupil's progress records shall be maintained for at least 5 years after the pupil ceases to be enrolled in the school. A school board may maintain the records on microfilm, on an optical disk disc , or in electronic format if authorized under s. 19.21 (4) (c), or in such other form as the school board deems appropriate. A school board shall maintain law enforcement officers' records obtained under s. 48.396 (1) or 938.396 (1) (b) 2. or (c) 3. separately from a pupil's other pupil records. Rules adopted under this subsection shall be published by the school board as a class 1 notice under ch. 985.
    Section 83 . 160.01 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
    160.01 (1) "Department " , " when used without qualification, means the department of natural resources.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 84 . 170.10 (title) of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:
    170.10 (title) Disposition of found goods or money.
    Note: Conforms title to the subject matter of s. 170.10. The prior title read: "Payment to town."
    Section 85 . 180.0103 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
    180.0103 (5) "Corporation" or "domestic corporation " , " except as used in sub. (9), means a corporation for profit that is not a foreign corporation and that is incorporated under or subject to this chapter. "Corporation" or "domestic corporation" includes, to the extent provided under s. 180.1703, a corporation with capital stock but not organized for profit.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 86 . 186.71 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
    186.71 (2) Any photographic, photostatic , or miniature photographic copy or reproduction or copy reproduced from a film record or any copy of a record generated from optical disk disc storage of a credit union record is considered to be an original record for all purposes and shall be treated as an original record in all courts or administrative agencies for the purpose of its admissibility in evidence. A facsimile, exemplification , or certified copy of any such photographic copy or reproduction, copy reproduced from a film record , or copy generated from optical disk disc storage of a record shall, for all purposes, be considered a facsimile, exemplification , or certified copy of the original record.
    Section 87 . 214.75 (5) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
    214.75 (5) (b) Any photographic, photostatic , or miniature photographic copy or reproduction or copy reproduced from a film record or any copy of a record generated by optical disk disc storage of a savings bank record shall be considered to be an original record for all purposes and shall be treated as an original record in all courts or administrative agencies for the purpose of its admissibility in evidence. A facsimile, exemplification , or certified copy of a photographic copy or reproduction, copy reproduced from a film record , or copy generated from optical disk disc storage of a record shall, for all purposes, be considered to be a facsimile, exemplification , or certified copy of the original record.
    Section 88 . 215.26 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
    215.26 (4) (b) Any photographic, photostatic , or miniature photographic copy or reproduction or copy reproduced from a film record or any copy of a record generated by optical disk disc storage of an association record shall be deemed to be an original record for all purposes and shall be treated as an original record in all courts or administrative agencies for the purpose of its admissibility in evidence. A facsimile, exemplification , or certified copy of any such photographic copy or reproduction, copy reproduced from a film record , or copy generated from optical disk disc storage of a record shall, for all purposes, be deemed a facsimile, exemplification , or certified copy of the original record.
    Section 89 . 220.285 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
    220.285 (2) Any photographic, photostatic , or miniature photographic copy or reproduction or copy reproduced from a film record or any copy of a record generated from optical disk disc storage of a bank record or record of a licensee or registered person is considered to be an original record for all purposes and shall be treated as an original record in all courts or administrative agencies for the purpose of its admissibility in evidence. A facsimile, exemplification , or certified copy of any such photographic copy or reproduction, copy reproduced from a film record , or copy generated from optical disk disc storage of a record shall, for all purposes, be considered a facsimile, exemplification , or certified copy of the original record.
    Section 90 . 227.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
    227.01 (2) "Code " , " when used without further modification, means the Wisconsin administrative code under s. 35.93.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 91 . 227.21 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
    227.21 (2) (b) The attorney general shall consent to incorporation by reference only in a rule of limited public interest and in a case where the incorporated standards are readily available in published form or are available on optical disk disc or in another electronic format. Each rule containing an incorporation by reference shall state how the material incorporated may be obtained and, except as provided in s. 601.41 (3) (b), that the standards are on file at the offices of the agency and the legislative reference bureau.
    Section 92 . 228.01 of the statutes is amended to read:
    228.01 Recording of documents and public records by mechanical process authorized. Whenever any officer of any county having a population of 500,000 or more is required or authorized by law to file, record, copy, recopy , or replace any document, court order, plat, paper, written instrument, writings, record , or book of record, on file or of record in his or her office, notwithstanding any other provisions in the statutes, the officer may do so by photostatic, photographic, microphotographic, microfilm, optical imaging, electronic formatting , or other mechanical process which that produces a clear, accurate , and permanent copy or reproduction of the original document, court order, plat, paper, written instrument, writings, record , or book of record in accordance with the standards specified under ss. 16.61 (7) and 16.612. Any such officer may also reproduce by such processes or transfer from optical disk disc or electronic storage any document, court order, plat, paper, written instrument, writings, record , or book of record which that has previously been filed, recorded, copied , or recopied. Optical imaging or electronic formatting of any document is subject to authorization under s. 59.52 (14) (a).
    Section 93 . 228.03 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
    228.03 (1) A photographic reproduction of an original document, court order, plat, paper, written instrument, writing, record, book of record, file , or other material, or a copy of material generated from optical disk disc or electronic storage of the original material, bearing upon or pertinent to the activities and functions of any county office, department, agency, board, commission, court , or institution, in counties having a population of 500,000 or more, is deemed to be an original for all purposes, if it meets the applicable standards established in ss. 16.61 and 16.612.
    Section 94 . 228.03 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
    228.03 (2) Any photographic reproduction of an original record meeting the standards prescribed in s. 16.61 (7) or copy of a record generated from an original record stored in optical disk disc or electronic format in compliance with ss. 16.61 and 16.612 shall be taken as and , stand in lieu of , and have all of the effect of the original record and shall be admissible in evidence in all courts and all other tribunals or agencies, administrative or otherwise, in all cases where the original document is admissible. A transcript, exemplification , or certified copy of such a reproduction of an original record, or certified copy of a record generated from an original record stored in optical disk disc or electronic format, for the purposes specified in this subsection, is deemed to be a transcript, exemplification , or certified copy of the original. The custodian of a photographic reproduction shall place the reproduction or optical disk disc in conveniently accessible storage and shall make provision for preserving, examining , and using the reproduction of the record or generating a copy of the record from optical disk disc or electronic storage. An enlarged copy of a photographic reproduction of a record made in accordance with the standards specified in s. 16.61 (7) or an enlarged copy of a record generated from an original record stored in optical disk disc or electronic format in compliance with ss. 16.61 and 16.612 that is certified by the custodian as provided in s. 889.18 (2) has the same effect as an actual-size copy.
    Section 95 . 229.24 (4) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 229.24 (4) (a) (intro.) and amended to read:
    229.24 (4) (a) (intro.) The word "convention" when used in In this subsection :
    1. "Convention" means a county, state , or national assembly of duly authorized, chosen , or elected delegates or representatives meeting to accomplish some specific commercial, industrial, labor, civil, social, scientific , or educational object.
    Note: Conforms definition provision to current style. Deletes unnecessary word. See the next section of this bill.
    Section 96 . 229.24 (4) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 229.24 (4) (a) 2. and amended to read:
    229.24 (4) (a) 2. The term "patriotic "Patriotic affairs" in this subsection means affairs given for the encouragement and support of the government in time of war, or for the benefit and support of soldiers, sailors , or marines who have been, or are in the service of the United States, including memorial exercises, exhibitions, fairs, reunions, entertainments, or barracks for such persons, and to all of which affairs the public is admitted without charge.
    Note: Conforms definition provision to current style. See the previous section of this bill.
    Section 97 . 230.03 (10m) of the statutes is amended to read:
    230.03 (10m) "Gender group " , " when used in connection with affirmative action under this chapter, does not include groups discriminated against because of sexual orientation, as defined in s. 111.32 (13m).
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 98 . 233.12 (1), (2) (a) (intro.), 1., 2., 4. and 5. and (3) of the statutes are amended to read:
    233.12 (1) (a) Subject to rules promulgated by the department of administration under s. 16.611, the authority may transfer to or maintain in optical disk disc or electronic format any record in its custody and retain the record in that format only.
    (b) Subject to rules promulgated by the department of administration under s. 16.611, the authority shall maintain procedures to ensure the authenticity, accuracy, reliability , and accessibility of records transferred to or maintained in optical disk disc or electronic format under par. (a).
    (c) Subject to rules promulgated by the department of administration under s. 16.611, if the authority transfers to or maintains in optical disk disc or electronic format any records in its custody, the authority shall ensure that the records stored in that format are protected from unauthorized destruction.
    (2) (a) (intro.) Any microfilm reproduction of an original record of the authority, or a copy generated from an original record stored in optical disk disc or electronic format, is considered an original record if all of the following conditions are met:
    1. Any device used to reproduce the record on film or to transfer the record to optical disk disc or electronic format and generate a copy of the record from optical disk disc or electronic format accurately reproduces the content of the original.
    2. The reproduction is on film which complies with the minimum standards of quality for microfilm reproductions, as established by rule of the public records board, or the optical disk disc or electronic copy and the copy generated from optical disk disc or electronic format comply with the minimum standards of quality for such copies, as established by rule of the department of administration under s. 16.611.
    4. The record is arranged, identified , and indexed so that any individual document or component of the record can be located with the use of proper equipment.
    5. The custodian of the record designated by the authority executes a statement of intent and purpose describing the record to be reproduced or transferred to optical disk disc or electronic format and the disposition of the original record, and executes a certificate verifying that the record was received or created and microfilmed or transferred to optical disk disc or electronic format in the normal course of business and files the statement in the offices of the authority.
    (3) (a) Any microfilm reproduction of a record of the authority meeting the requirements of sub. (2) or copy of a record of the authority generated from an original record stored in optical disk disc or electronic format in compliance with this section shall be taken as, stand in lieu of , and have all the effect of the original document and shall be admissible in evidence in all courts and all other tribunals or agencies, administrative or otherwise, in all cases where the original document is admissible.
    (b) Any enlarged copy of a microfilm reproduction of a record of the authority made as provided by this section or any enlarged copy of a record of the authority generated from an original record stored in optical disk disc or electronic format in compliance with this section that is certified by the custodian as provided in s. 889.08 shall have the same force as an actual-size copy.
    Section 99 . 234.35 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
    234.35 (1) In this section, "minority business " , " "minority financial adviser , " and "minority investment firm" mean a business, financial adviser , and investment firm, respectively, certified by the department of administration under s. 16.287 (2).
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 100 . 240.001 of the statutes is created to read:
    240.001 Definitions. In this chapter:
    (1) "Conveyance" includes every instrument in writing except a last will and testament, whatever its form, and by whatever name it is known in law, by which any estate or interest in lands is created, aliened, assigned, or surrendered.
    (2) "Estate and interest in lands" includes every estate and interest, freehold and chattel, legal and equitable, present and future, vested and contingent, in lands.
    (3) "Lands" means lands, tenements, and hereditaments.
    Note: Sections 243.03 and 243.04, which contain definitions applicable to chs. 240 and 243 are renumbered to the beginning of ch. 243 as s. 243.001, amended to modernize language, and made applicable only to ch. 243 by this bill. This section creates a section identical to s. 243.001, as renumbered and amended, in order to provide identical definitions applicable to ch. 240.
    Section 101 . 241.05 of the statutes is renumbered 241.05 (2).
    Note: Sections 241.05 to 241.07 relate to a single subject and are combined into a single section consistent with current style. See the next 2 sections of this bill.
    Section 102 . 241.06 of the statutes is renumbered 241.05 (1) and amended to read:
    241.05 (1) "Creditors" defined. The term In this section, "creditors ," as used in s. 241.05, shall be construed to include " includes all persons who shall be creditors of the vendor or assignor at any time while such the goods and chattels shall described in sub. (2) remain in the vendor's or assignor's possession or control.
    Note: Moves a definition applicable to s. 241.05 to that section and restructures the sentence consistent with current style. See the next and previous sections of this bill.
    Section 103 . 241.07 of the statutes is renumbered 241.05 (3) and amended to read:
    241.05 (3) Excepted cases. Nothing contained in ss. 241.05 and 241.06 this section shall be construed to apply to contracts of bottomry or respondentia, nor to assignments or hypothecations of vessels or goods at sea or in foreign ports, or without this state; provided, the assignee or mortgagee shall take possession of such ship, vessels , or goods as soon as may be after the arrival thereof within this state.
    Note: See the previous 2 sections of this bill.
    Section 104 . 243.001 (intro.) of the statutes is created to read:
    243.001 Definitions. (intro.) In this chapter:
    Note: Sections 243.03 and 243.04, which contain definitions, are renumbered to the beginning of the chapter consistent with current style. This section creates a necessary title and introductory provision for those definitions. See the next 2 sections of this bill.
    Section 105 . 243.03 of the statutes is renumbered 243.001 (3) and amended to read:
    243.001 (3) "Lands" defined. The term "lands", as used in chs. 240 to 243, shall be construed as coextensive in meaning with "lands "Lands" means lands , tenements , and hereditaments "; and the term "estate .
    (2) "Estate and interest in lands" shall be construed to embrace includes every estate and interest, freehold and chattel, legal and equitable, present and future, vested and contingent, in lands as above defined .
    Note: Restructures and modernizes the language of a definition provision and places it at the beginning of chapter 243, to which it applies, consistent with current style. Identical definition provisions for ch. 240 are created in s. 240.001 by this bill. The defined terms are not used in the text of chs. 241 and 242. See also the next section of this bill.
    Section 106 . 243.04 of the statutes is renumbered 243.001 (1) and amended to read:
    243.001 (1) "Conveyance" defined. The term "conveyance," as used in chs. 240, 241 and 243, shall be construed to embrace "Conveyance" includes every instrument in writing except a last will and testament, whatever may be its form, and by whatever name it may be is known in law, by which any estate or interest in lands is created, aliened, assigned , or surrendered.
    Note: Restructures and modernizes the language of a definition provision and places it at the beginning of ch. 243, to which it applies, consistent with current style. The defined term is not used in the text of ch. 241. An identical definition provision for ch. 240 is created in s. 240.001 by this bill. See also the previous section of this bill.
    Section 107 . 281.165 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
    281.165 (3) (b) Before any person engages in the activity described in par. (a), the U.S. Army Corps army corps of Engineers engineers shall have issued a permit for the activity that contains a mitigation plan that requires the creation of at least 1.5 acres of wetland for each acre of wetland affected by the activity.
    Note: Conforms capitalization to current style.
    Section 108 . 283.31 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
    283.31 (2) (b) Any discharge which the secretary of the army acting through the chief of the U.S. army corps of engineers has objected to in writing on the ground that anchorage and navigation would be substantially impaired.
    Note: Conforms agency reference to current style.
    Section 109 . 295.465 (1) (intro.) and (4) of the statutes are amended to read:
    295.465 (1) (intro.) Except as provided in sub. (3), at least 12 months before filing an application for a mining permit under s. 295.47, a person proposing to engage in a mining project shall notify the department and the U.S. Army Corps army corps of Engineers engineers in writing of the intention to file an application for a mining permit. After receiving the notification, the department shall hold at least one meeting with the person to make a preliminary assessment of the project's scope, to make an analysis of alternatives, to identify potential interested persons, and to ensure that the person making the proposal is aware of all of the following:
    (4) After providing notice to the U.S. Army Corps army corps of Engineers engineers under sub. (1), a person shall make a good faith effort to meet with the U.S. Army Corps army corps of Engineers engineers to discuss the mining project, the environmental impact report, and information related to federal requirements that may be applicable to the mining project.
    Note: Conforms capitalization to current style.
    Section 110 . 295.57 (4) (b) 7. and (7) (a) 1. of the statutes are amended to read:
    295.57 (4) (b) 7. The federal environmental protection agency, U.S. Army Corps army corps of Engineers engineers , and states potentially affected by the proposed discharge if a water discharge permit under ch. 283 or a wetland permit that constitutes a water quality certification as required by 33 USC 1341 (a) is to be considered at the public informational hearing.
    (7) (a) 1. An extension is necessary to enable the department and the U.S. Army Corps army corps of Engineers engineers to jointly prepare their environmental impact statements.
    Note: Conforms capitalization to current style.
    Section 111 . 295.60 (2) and (4) (e) of the statutes are amended to read:
    295.60 (2) Wetland determinations and delineations. For purposes of this section, wetland determinations and wetland boundary delineations shall be consistent with the U.S. Army Corps army corps of Engineers engineers 1987 Wetlands Delineation Manual and any final regional supplement to the manual. Any owner or lessee of land, or a holder of an easement in land, may request that the department provide a wetland determination or wetland boundary delineation for an application for a wetland individual permit under this section or for another approval for which a wetland impact evaluation is required. The department may rely on wetland determinations and wetland boundary delineations made by other agencies and consultants. If the applicant has provided information to the department that is identified in the manual or any final regional supplement as being sufficient to make a wetland determination or a delineation of boundaries, the department may visit a mining site to conduct surveys or gather additional site-specific quantitative data provided that the department does not discontinue the processing of the application to do so.
    (4) (e) Method for assessing impacts. In issuing a wetland individual permit under this section or in conducting a wetland impact evaluation, the department shall determine the impact of a proposed discharge or other activity upon the wetland functional values by using wetland ecological evaluation methods that are jointly accepted by the U.S. Army Corps army corps of Engineers engineers and the department and that are appropriate to the affected wetland.
    Note: Conforms capitalization to current style.
    Section 112 . 340.01 (15q) of the statutes is renumbered 340.01 (38r).
    Note: Places definition in alphabetical order.
    Section 113 . 345.20 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
    345.20 (1) (a) "Judge" has the meaning specified in s. 967.02 (6) (2m) .
    Note: See the renumbering of s. 967.02 (6) by this bill.
    Section 114 . 409.102 (1) (ag) of the statutes is amended to read:
    409.102 (1) (ag) "Account " , " except as used in "account for " , " means a right to payment of a monetary obligation, whether or not earned by performance; for property that has been or is to be sold, leased, licensed, assigned, or otherwise disposed of; for services rendered or to be rendered; for a policy of insurance issued or to be issued; for a secondary obligation incurred or to be incurred; for energy provided or to be provided; for the use or hire of a vessel under a charter or other contract; arising out of the use of a credit or charge card or information contained on or for use with the card; or as winnings in a lottery or other game of chance operated or sponsored by a state, governmental unit of a state, or person licensed or authorized to operate the game by a state or governmental unit of a state. The term includes health-care-insurance receivables. The term does not include rights to payment evidenced by chattel paper or an instrument; commercial tort claims; deposit accounts; investment property; letter-of-credit rights or letters of credit; or rights to payment for money or funds advanced or sold, other than rights arising out of the use of a credit or charge card or information contained on or for use with the card.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 115 . 409.102 (1) (as) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
    409.102 (1) (as) (intro.) "Accounting " , " except as used in "accounting for " , " means a record:
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 116 . 409.102 (1) (mg) of the statutes is amended to read:
    409.102 (1) (mg) "Jurisdiction of organization " , " with respect to a registered organization, means the jurisdiction under whose law the organization is formed or organized.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 117 . 409.102 (1) (pg) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
    409.102 (1) (pg) (intro.) "Person related to " , " with respect to an individual, means:
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 118 . 409.102 (1) (ps) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
    409.102 (1) (ps) (intro.) "Proceeds " , " except as used in s. 409.609 (2), means the following property:
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 119 . 409.102 (1) (r) of the statutes is amended to read:
    409.102 (1) (r) "Record " , " except as used in "for record " , " "of record " , " "record or legal title " , " and "record owner " , " means information that is inscribed on a tangible medium or which that is stored in an electronic or other medium and is retrievable in perceivable form.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 120 . 409.102 (1) (sg) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
    409.102 (1) (sg) (intro.) "Send " , " in connection with a record or notification, means:
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 121 . 440.01 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
    440.01 (1) (d) "Limit " , " when used in reference to limiting a credential, means to impose conditions and requirements upon the holder of the credential, to restrict the scope of the holder's practice, or both.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 122 . 440.01 (1) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
    440.01 (1) (f) "Revoke " , " when used in reference to revoking a credential, means to completely and absolutely terminate the credential and all rights, privileges , and authority previously conferred by the credential.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 123 . 440.01 (1) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:
    440.01 (1) (h) "Suspend " , " when used in reference to suspending a credential, means to completely and absolutely withdraw and withhold for a period of time all rights, privileges , and authority previously conferred by the credential.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 124 . 631.02 of the statutes is amended to read:
    631.02 Definition. "Interest of the insured " , " when used in an insurance policy, includes the interest of the named insured and of any other person with whom the named insured holds the insured property in joint tenancy or as marital property.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 125 . 706.01 (7) of the statutes is amended to read:
    706.01 (7) "Homestead" , as used in this chapter, means the dwelling, and so much of the land surrounding it as is reasonably necessary for use of the dwelling as a home, but not less than one-fourth acre, if available, and not exceeding 40 acres.
    Note: Deletes redundant phrase.
    Section 126 . 753.06 (2) (a), (5) (b), (6) (c) and (e), (7) (f) and (h), (9) (f) and (10) (am), (d) and (k) of the statutes are amended to read:
    753.06 (2) (a) Kenosha County. The circuit has 7 branches. Commencing August 1, 2009, the circuit has 8 branches.
    (5) (b) Green County. The circuit has one branch. Commencing August 1, 2009, the circuit has 2 branches.
    (6) (c) Dodge County. The circuit has 3 branches. Commencing August 1, 2008, the circuit has 4 branches.
    (e) Juneau County. The circuit has one branch. Commencing August 1, 2008, the circuit has 2 branches.
    (7) (f) La Crosse County. The circuit has 4 branches. Commencing August 1, 1999, the circuit has 5 branches.
    (h) Monroe County. The circuit has 2 branches. Commencing August 1, 2010, the circuit has 3 branches.
    (9) (f) Lincoln County. The circuit has one branch. Commencing August 1, 1999, the circuit has 2 branches.
    (10) (am) Barron County. The circuit has 2 branches. Commencing August 1, 2008, the circuit has 3 branches.
    (d) Chippewa County. The circuit has 2 branches. Commencing August 1, 2008, the circuit has 3 branches.
    (k) St. Croix County. The circuit has 3 branches. Commencing August 1, 2008, the circuit has 4 branches.
    Note: Removes obsolete transition provisions.
    Section 127 . 758.01 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
    758.01 (2) The supreme court may establish and charge fees for photocopying, microfilm copying, books, generation of copies of documents from optical disk disc or electronic storage, computer services , and other services provided by the state law library. The fees are subject to the cost limitations under ss. 19.35 (3) and 20.908.
    Section 128 . 766.56 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
    766.56 (2) (a) The recording, under s. 59.43 (1) (1c) (r), of a marital property agreement or a unilateral statement or revocation under s. 766.59 does not constitute actual or constructive notice to 3rd parties. This paragraph does not affect the application of ch. 706.
    Note: Amends cross-reference consistent with the renumbering of s. 59.43 (1) by this bill.
    Section 129 . 766.58 (11) of the statutes is amended to read:
    766.58 (11) Married persons or persons intending to marry each other may record a marital property agreement in the county register of deeds office under s. 59.43 (1) (1c) (r).
    Note: Amends cross-reference consistent with the renumbering of s. 59.43 (1) by this bill.
    Section 130 . 766.59 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
    766.59 (2) (c) The executing spouse may record the statement in the county register of deeds office under s. 59.43 (1) (1c) (r).
    Note: Amends cross-reference consistent with the renumbering of s. 59.43 (1) by this bill.
    Section 131 . 766.59 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
    766.59 (4) A statement may be revoked in writing by the executing spouse. The revoking spouse shall notify the other spouse of the revocation by personally delivering a copy to the other spouse or by sending a copy by certified mail to the other spouse's last-known address. The revoking spouse may record the revocation in the county register of deeds office under s. 59.43 (1) (1c) (r).
    Note: Amends cross-reference consistent with the renumbering of s. 59.43 (1) by this bill.
    Section 132 . 779.97 (4) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
    779.97 (4) (a) 2. Any other officer described in sub. (2), the officer shall make the endorsements required under s. 59.43 (1) (1c) (e) and (f) and forthwith file or record the notice and enter it in the index under s. 59.43 (9). Notices under this subdivision are subject to s. 59.43 (4) (a).
    Note: Amends cross-reference consistent with the renumbering of s. 59.43 (1) by this bill.
    Section 133 . 779.97 (4) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
    779.97 (4) (b) 2. If a certificate of release is presented to the department of financial institutions for filing, the filing officer shall cause the certificate to be dealt with in accordance with s. 409.513 as if the certificate were a termination statement within the meaning of chs. 401 to 411, and the filing officer may remove the notice of federal lien and any related refiling of a notice of lien, certificate of nonattachment, discharge , or subordination from the files at any time after receipt of the certificate of release, but the department of financial institutions shall keep the certificate of release or a microfilm or other photographic record or optical disk disc or electronic record of the certificate of release in a file, separate from those containing currently effective notices of liens, for a period of 30 years after the date of filing of the certificate of release.
    Section 134 . 801.01 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
    801.01 (1) Kinds. Proceedings in the courts are divided into actions and special proceedings. "Action", as used in In chs. 801 to 847, "action" includes "special proceeding" unless a specific provision of procedure in special proceedings exists.
    Note: Restructures section consistent with current style for definitions.
    Section 135 . 851.065 of the statutes is amended to read:
    851.065 Devise. "Devise " , " when used as a noun, means a testamentary disposition of any real or personal property by will. "Devise " , " when used as a verb, means to dispose of any real or personal property by will.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 136 . 851.72 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
    851.72 (2) Keep a court record of every proceeding in the court under chs. 54 and 851 to 879 under its proper title, a brief statement of the nature of the proceeding and of all papers filed therein, with the date of filing and a reference to where minute records can be found or to the microfilm or optical disk disc or electronic file where papers have been stored so that the court record is a complete index or brief history of each proceeding from beginning to final disposition.
    Section 137 . 851.72 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
    851.72 (5) Keep an alphabetical index to the court record and the file containing the original documents or microfilm, optical disk disc , or electronic copies thereof.
    Section 138 . 853.09 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
    853.09 (2) Duty of register in probate. The register in probate shall issue a receipt for the deposit of the will and shall maintain a registry of all wills deposited. The original will, unless withdrawn under sub. (3) or opened in accordance with s. 856.03 after death of the testator, shall be kept on file for the period provided in SCR chapter 72; thereafter the register may either retain the original will or open the envelope, copy or reproduce the will for confidential record storage purposes by microfilm, optical disk disc , electronic format , or other method of comparable retrievability and destroy the original. If satisfactorily identified, the reproduction is admissible in court for probate or any other purpose the same as the original document. Wills deposited with the county judge under s. 238.15, 1967 stats., shall be transferred to the register in probate and become subject to this section.
    Section 139 . 889.29 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
    889.29 (1) If any business, institution , or member of a profession or calling in the regular course of business or activity has kept or recorded any memorandum, writing, entry, print, representation , or combination thereof, of any act, transaction, occurrence , or event, and in the regular course of business has caused any or all of the same to be recorded, copied , or reproduced by any photographic, photostatic, microfilm, microcard, miniature photographic, or other process which that accurately reproduces or forms a durable medium for so reproducing the original, or to be recorded on an optical disk disc or in electronic format, the original may be destroyed in the regular course of business, unless its preservation is required by law. Such reproduction or optical disk disc record, when reduced to comprehensible format and when satisfactorily identified, is as admissible in evidence as the original itself in any judicial or administrative proceeding whether the original is in existence or not and an enlargement or facsimile of such reproduction of a record or an enlarged copy of a record generated from an original record stored in optical disk disc or electronic format is likewise admissible in evidence if the original reproduction is in existence and available for inspection under direction of court. The introduction of a reproduced record, enlargement , or facsimile, does not preclude admission of the original. No such record is inadmissible solely because it is in electronic format.
    Section 140 . 938.02 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
    938.02 (2m) "Court " , " when used without further qualification, means the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 48 or, when used with reference to a juvenile who is subject to s. 938.183, a court of criminal jurisdiction or, when used with reference to a juvenile who is subject to s. 938.17 (2), a municipal court.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 141 . 938.02 (10) of the statutes is amended to read:
    938.02 (10) "Judge " , " if used without further qualification, means the judge of the court assigned to exercise jurisdiction under this chapter and ch. 48 or, if used with reference to a juvenile who is subject to s. 938.183, the judge of the court of criminal jurisdiction or, when used with reference to a juvenile who is subject to s. 938.17 (2), the judge of the municipal court.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 142 . 938.02 (10m) of the statutes is amended to read:
    938.02 (10m) "Juvenile " , " when used without further qualification, means a person who is less than 18 years of age, except that for purposes of investigating or prosecuting a person who is alleged to have violated a state or federal criminal law or any civil law or municipal ordinance, "juvenile" does not include a person who has attained 17 years of age.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 143 . 938.299 (10) (title) of the statutes is created to read:
    938.299 (10) (title) Indian juvenile; notice.
    Note: The other subsections in s. 938.299 have titles.
    Section 144 . 943.47 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
    943.47 (1) (a) "Encrypt " , " when used with respect to satellite cable programming, means to transmit that programming in a form whereby the aural or visual characteristics or both are altered to prevent the unauthorized reception of that programming by persons without authorized equipment which is designed to eliminate the effects of that alteration.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 145 . 967.02 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 967.02 (1p).
    Note: Places definition in alphabetical order.
    Section 146 . 967.02 (3) of the statutes is renumbered 967.02 (1d).
    Note: Places definition in alphabetical order.
    Section 147 . 967.02 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 967.02 (1h).
    Note: Places definition in alphabetical order.
    Section 148 . 967.02 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 967.02 (2m).
    Note: Places definition in alphabetical order.
    Section 149 . 967.02 (7) of the statutes is renumbered 967.02 (1t).
    Note: Places definition in alphabetical order.
    Section 150 . 967.02 (8) of the statutes is renumbered 967.02 (3m).
    Note: Places definition in alphabetical order.
    Section 151 . 968.27 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
    968.27 (3) "Contents , " when used with respect to any wire, electronic , or oral communication, includes any information concerning the substance, purport , or meaning of that communication.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 152 . 972.15 (1m) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
    Note: No other subsections in s. 972.15 have titles.
    Section 153 . 978.07 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
    978.07 (1) (a) Any district attorney record, after it has first been microfilmed or transferred to optical disk disc or electronic storage and preserved in accordance with s. 16.61.
    Section 154 . 985.01 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
    985.01 (4) "Proceedings " , " when published in newspapers, mean the substance of every official action taken by a local governing body at any meeting, regular or special.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 155 . 990.01 (25g) of the statutes is amended to read:
    990.01 (25g) Optical disk disc . "Optical disk disc " means a rotating circular plate on which information or images are placed in storage, and which is recorded and read by laser beams focused on the plate.
    Section 156 . 990.01 (25r) of the statutes is amended to read:
    990.01 (25r) Optical imaging. "Optical imaging" means transferring to a format employing an optical disk disc .
    Section 157 . 990.01 (30m) of the statutes is amended to read:
    990.01 (30m) Promulgate. "Promulgate " , " when used in connection with a rule, as defined under s. 227.01 (13), means to repeal; renumber; consolidate, renumber and amend; renumber and amend; amend; repeal and recreate; or create.
    Note: Conforms punctuation to current style.
    Section 158 . Terminology changes.
    (1) Wherever a percent symbol —"%"— appears in the statutes on the effective date of this subsection, "percent" is substituted.
    Section 159 . Effective dates. This act takes effect on the day after publication, except as follows:
    (1) Section 158 (1) of this act takes effect on July 1, 2016.

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