* Section 991.11, Wisconsin Statutes : Effective date of acts. "Every act and every portion of an act enacted by the legislature over the governor's partial veto which does not expressly prescribe the time when it takes effect shall take effect on the day after its date of publication."2013 WISCONSIN ACT 285An Act to create 104.01 (2) (b) 5. of the statutes; relating to: exemption of outside salespersons from the minimum wage law.The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do enact as follows:Section 1 . 104.01 (2) (b) 5. of the statutes is created to read:104.01 (2) (b) 5. Any individual whose primary duty is making sales, as defined in 29 USC 203 (k), or obtaining orders or contracts for services or for the use of facilities for which a consideration will be paid by the client or customer and who is customarily and regularly engaged away from the employer's place of business in performing that primary duty.Section 2 . Initial applicability.(1) Exemption of outside salespersons from minimum wage law. This act first applies to work performed on the effective date of this subsection, except that in the case of an employee who is affected by a collective bargaining agreement that contains provisions inconsistent with this act, this bill first applies to work performed on the date on which the collective bargaining agreement expires or is extended, modified, or renewed.